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Skadi Tips

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Forum » New Player Help » Skadi Tips 21 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » September 25, 2018 4:00pm | Report
I might try that then because I don't know how well full basic or full ability will work for an entire match. Downsides to both. I feel Skadi needs to use both so I don't like the idea of going full basic as a full basic build would need power, AS and crit to be effective (IMO) but would hurt her abilities (due to things like no room for trans) and her CD's limit her in being full ability. From what I've seen and from the advice you've given it seems like building for Skadi is like building a scale. Not necessarily finding the right balance but the right times to tip it one way or another.


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