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Newbie to conquest!

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Forum » New Player Help » Newbie to conquest! 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Katriellve » May 14, 2019 5:41am | Report
Hello good people of the world! LISTEN. I'm new to the game mode 'conquest' and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of STUFF TO DO in the mode itself haha.... I still don't memorize all the items so please don't lecture me about this stuff and that, tho i'm just following the builds given here in the website. Let me ask you guys a question... What did you do in your first conquest game and after that how did you cope up with the system? Just looking for inspiration. Thanks!


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 14, 2019 6:04am | Report
Well, my first Conquest match, seeing nowadays, was a pure disaster. I started at season 4 with Cupid when the meta put both ADCs alone in the lane so I was the carried and not carry :v

To improve myself, I waited the season change and started to follow every single patch notes and build changes. I understood the meta and allied with this guide about conquest that I read a lot of times I could understand what each role does and the game mode.

I would recommend you start with solo lane, 'cause it's the easier lane for new players and while you understand the game mode. When you feel you already know how to play conquest you change the lane ;)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Katriellve » May 14, 2019 7:01am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Well, my first Conquest match, seeing nowadays, was a pure disaster. I started at season 4 with Cupid when the meta put both ADCs alone in the lane so I was the carried and not carry :v

To improve myself, I waited the season change and started to follow every single patch notes and build changes. I understood the meta and allied with this guide about conquest that I read a lot of times I could understand what each role does and the game mode.

I would recommend you start with solo lane, 'cause it's the easier lane for new players and while you understand the game mode. When you feel you already know how to play conquest you change the lane ;)

Thank you luv! I hope I get good at this soon


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 14, 2019 9:12am | Report
I'm relearning the game a bit too.

To be a hit standard I would skip support and jungle roles for a while till you know what each role does and know the map better.

I think I'm going to have to agree with Must right now. Seeing as solo usually ends up being a tank and isn't as pressured by jgl as mid.

There is a small chance adc might be easier to step into item knowledge wise.

Even mid can be a nice starting role if you like the playstyle and can deal with the ganking threath.

I would avoid jgl because rotations and pathing and support for mostly the same reason

Another big point of advise i would give is to find the role you like and 1-2 gods you like in the role. This will take away a lot of basic stuff of your own character after a while allowing yourself more ease for items and other stuff of conquest


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » July 27, 2019 1:53am | Report
what i also can suggest is reading Branmuffins Conquest Guide.
Maybe you only read some Paragraphs that are for you, like when you decided what God you think fits you, look up in the Guide what Role is "best" and read what there is to do.

Also, the Basic Explanation of Tower and Minion Mechanics are important, and not THAT difficult. So you'll have a great overview for the basics of the Game.

I mean, in the End, it's like Warding-Stuff (to give an Example). If you don't do it 100% professional, it's not a big thing. But if you place none at all the entire Game... well that's suboptimal. You'll have to trial&error a lot and learning by doing. At least, that's my experience as a new Player.


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