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Jungling Help

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Forum » New Player Help » Jungling Help 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » August 27, 2019 12:28am | Report
Hmm so I notice that everytime I play Jungle I lose. Unless its Pele, then I steamroll. When I play carry higher chance to win. I like jungling though haha.

Usually what happens is mid and/or duo are feeding via horrendous build or no awareness. Even if I ward then jungle they get ganked or me invaded. That snowballs to me falling behind. So I begin to feed with them.

If I try to babysit I'm not farming. If I farm they feed more.

What do I do to improve? Play more early game assassins? I usually play Nemesis, Ravana, set


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 27, 2019 5:44am | Report
Ravana is already an early game assassin, just like Ratatoskr and Awilix.

My tip is try to balance things. Keep close to your focused teammate and try to help him as much as possible warding around him and asking to him do the same. Also ask for some safe play to him. But remember that you can't babysit him so go walk and rotate anyway.

Plus, there potato teammates that have no brain like in this match the duo lane fed hard. I asked to olorun play more passive and he answered: "What should I do, sit at my tower?" I answered "No, go alone and die for the 10th time". In this case there's nothing you can do, just try to help if possible, if not, go and try to put the other lanes ahead. The saddest thing was that I was winning hard my lane against Morrigan (Cupid Mid) and I even was countering erlang ganks but then Nox + Morrigan + Erlang I couldn't take it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » August 27, 2019 6:05am | Report
Either play the cheesiest **** in jungle like Erlang or Susano or Thor or play someone like Kali/Merc you carry lategame with.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » August 27, 2019 6:23am | Report
How can you hard carry as Merc or Kali if enemy is grouped and yours are either dead or in some place else.

An olorun with 3 items online shouldn't loose 1v1. Unless he really got surprised and ult beads


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » August 28, 2019 6:14am | Report
yeah playing safe and "sitting under my tower" is a thing that has to be learned first.
You always can just do a certain amount of things. You can't ward the whole jungle just by yourself, you can't carry alone, it's a Team match.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » August 28, 2019 7:37am | Report
I know but I'm looking for the can's. Just had a game with solo and ADC feeding, but our fenrir managed to carry. I played sorry so was roaming and helping him. I wish I had that luck when I jungle

The enemy fenrir was carrying hard too haha


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