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As Support: Can I use a Meditation Cloak?

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As Support: Can I use a Meditation Cloak?
Yeah, it's viable. Explain in comments.
Nah, sucks. Explain in comments.
Mixed/Depends. Still explain in comments.
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 21, 2020 4:20am | Report
Honestly unless you're playing assault mediation is outclassed by shell in pretty much all possible ways. Even if you counter an execute most times you will be low enough to die from your opponent anyway.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Geinexi » April 22, 2020 1:01am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Meditation isn't going to do hardly anything to stop a Thanatos execute, and even if it does the person is still dead.

Yeah. True. Shell seemed kinda iffy. And I realize there are anti-heals. In any game. It's kinda gay. But Thantos can execute much to my dismay as I used Khepri. But I typically am a good support. Except when my carry goes and gets themselves murdered, And used with Terras heal and the rod of healing, it works. But I see y'alls logic. And honestly. I hate when my carry gets all cocky and pushes up too far too early. I actually as my carry, my boyfriend mains cerunnos. He gets grumpy with me and I'm like REEEE. Stop that, but he knows better than me as I used to watch him play LOL. Something about being a grandfather? I think that's what he said but I honestly only play as it;s the only way to get more of his attention and i wanna be a proper support. Shell, I'll try. I'm just used to MMO's where there are rarely anti-heals. Also **** thantos. KIll him early enough and farming him is tricky but doable. I hate Posideion though when I play Terra, anything that roots or slows ****s me up. I like using Isis. Though I dunno how to support play her. It does seem workable.


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