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Ryujin, Dragon God of the Sea

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Ryujin, Dragon God of the Sea 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » May 21, 2017 6:33am | Report
Going mostly off what I've read, but feel free to correct me on anything.

Pantheon: Japanese

Class: Mage
Pros: High Area Damage

Passive: Tidal Jewels
Similar to Ratatoskr, Ryujin starts with an item called the Tidal Jewel in his inventory. Later on he is able to upgrade it to become the Kanju Jewel, which boosts Attack Power and Magical Penetration or the Manju Jewel which gives increased Mana and Mana Regen.

Ability 1: Raging Waters
Ryujin unleashes a wave in a cone formation in front of him, dealing damage and pushing enemy gods back.

Ability 2: Ocean's Wrath
Ryujin gains a boost to basic attack and ability damage for a short period.

Ability 3: Crashing Waves
Ryujin fires three waves in succession, dealing damage. Enemy Gods hit by the third wave are knocked up.

Ability 4/Ultimate: Torrent
Ryujin unleashes a massive torrent of water that enemies take damage standing in. Things like fish, turtles and jellyfish will rush through the waters as well giving different debuffs when they hit an enemy god. If hit by a sea turtle, enemy gods will be crippled for a few seconds seconds. If hit by a jellyfish, enemy gods will be poisoned for a few seconds. If hit by a fish, enemy gods will be stunned for 1.5 seconds.

How`d I do?


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Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » May 21, 2017 8:28am | Report
I cant really say cause i dont have damage numbers. What is he supposed to do exactly? Is he supposed to be Ability or Basic Attack based? How big are the cooldowns? How big is the cone on his one, and how far are enemies pushed back? How big is the boost on his two, and how long does it last? How fast do the three waves come out, and the sizes of each wave?

The ult though, depending on the number of the things in that torrent and having a good amount of duration, is incredibly powerful. It has 2 different types of CC, and another form of damage. I suggest a heavy edit on that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » May 21, 2017 9:08am | Report
I was half expecting this to lead to a "Ryujin no ken wo kurae!" or "I need healing" joke.

Elaborating more would be nice, for example, a clearer purpose for each ability, and as GGF mentioned, cooldowns, sizes of abilities, amount of damage done, etc.

I'd say the ult would be fine if the fish didn't stun.
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#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » May 21, 2017 4:17pm | Report
I've never really been good at the specifics. I can list abilities and what they do, but in terms of things like numbers and balancing that's where I get confused. So...sorry if I can't really be very clear.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » May 22, 2017 1:36am | Report
Alright I'm gonna try to put some decent numbers in. Hopefully I don't overdo it

Passive: Tidal Jewels
Similar to Ratatoskr, Ryujin starts with an item called the Tidal Jewel in his inventory. Later on he is able to upgrade it to become the Kanju Jewel, which boosts Attack Power and Magical Penetration or the Manju Jewel which gives increased Mana and Mana Regen.

Jewel Paths:
Tidal Jewel: +10 Magical Power

Receding Tide Jewel: +50 Magical Power, +10 Magical Penetration Cost: 550 Gold
Kanju Jewel: +90 Magical Power, +20 Magical Penetration Cost: 800 Gold


Returning Tide Jewel: +20 Magical Power, +15 Mp5, +150 Mana Cost: 550 Gold
Manju Jewel: +30 Magical Power, +25 Mp5, +300 Mana Cost: 800 Gold

Ability 1: Raging Waters
Ryujin unleashes a wave in a cone formation in front of him, dealing damage and pushing enemy gods back.

Type: Cone
Damage: 100/140/180/220/260 (+25% of Magical power)
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana
Size: Around the size of the first part of Susano's Storm Kata.

Ability 2: Ocean's Wrath
Ryujin gains a boost to basic attack and ability damage for a short period.

Type: Buff
Damage Boost: 5%/7%/9%/12%/15% of Magical Power
Lasts: 8 Seconds
Cooldown: 19 Seconds
Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 Mana

Ability 3: Crashing Waves
Ryujin fires three waves in succession, dealing damage. Enemy Gods hit by the third wave are knocked up.

Type: Line
Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+10% of Magical Power)
Cooldown: 25/22/19/17/15 Seconds
Mana Cost: 80/75/70/65/60 Mana
Size: The first two waves are around the same size as Poseidon's 1, the last wave beign a little larger.

Ability 4/Ultimate: Torrent
Ryujin unleashes a massive torrent of water that enemies take damage standing in. Things like fish, turtles and jellyfish will rush through the waters as well giving different debuffs when they hit an enemy god. If hit by a sea turtle, enemy gods will be crippled for a few seconds seconds. If hit by a jellyfish, enemy gods will be poisoned for a few seconds. If hit by a fish, enemy gods will only take damage.

Type: Line
Damage from Water: 10/12/15/17/20
Damage per Fish/Jellyfish/Sea Turtles: 50/70/90/110/130 (+15% of Magical Power)
Cooldown: 110 Seconds
Duration: 6 Seconds
Mana Cost: 130 Mana
Size: Similar to Ah Puch's Ult

Now I don't play Conquest personally but I guessing if Ryujin were made with this kit he'd be good in Mid or Solo Lane? Also are the number ok or do they need to be tweaked?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » May 22, 2017 6:48am | Report
The item for the passive is so not worth it. 2950 for lackluster stats and no movement speed? Reduce the costs of both by a lot, or else the first item would be such a waste. Either give them movement speed or add good passives to both items. Also Manju Jewel stats are so underpowered. Give it an extra stat or else it will never be picked up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » May 22, 2017 6:01pm | Report
I lowered the gold price alot because I feel if I tried to edit the stat boosts I'd probably make overpowered. That and I can't really think of any specific passives for them either. This is my first time adding numbers and what-not so I guess I was kinda bound to mess something up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » May 23, 2017 6:21am | Report
Items don't lose stats when they're upgraded. I would change the Tidal Jewel to +10 Power, add +20 Power to the Returning Tide Jewel, and add +30 Power to the Manju Jewel.
#ffe699 #ffff99 #e6ff99 #ccff99 #afff99 #99ff99 #99ffb3 #99ffcc #99fff3 #99f3ff #99e6ff #99ccff
#ffcc33 #ffff33 #ccff33 #99ff33 #66ff33 #33ff33 #33ff66 #33ff99 #33ffcc #33ffff #33ccff #3399ff
#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
#664d00 #666600 #4d6600 #336600 #1a6600 #006600 #00661a #006633 #00664d #006666 #004d66 #003366


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