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Who are the pro tops picks Range AD?

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Forum » General Discussion » Who are the pro tops picks Range AD? 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 26, 2013 10:46am | Report
Okay who are the top picked Ranged Ad's for pros meaning people that do tournies.
I am not talking about regular people who are just good players. I mean the best teams who play smite.

I am going to take a guess and say the top 3 is something like Apollo, Anhur or Neith.

But which are the most picked like top 2 and I want to know who is the #1 picked out of them all.

The reason I ask this is because everyone says how Anhur is better than all the ranged AD's but yet It may be my luck but every pro tourny I have seen lately has been with Apollo picked first over anhur and I've seen neith picked over him as well.

So who are they picking as the best Ranged Ad's because if they ain't picking anhur as the #1 pick then how is it possible for people to complain about anhur when the other Ad's are being picked over him???? At least this is what I have been seeing every video.

I'll take a guess and say Apollo is the most picked because thats who I been seeing picked


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mus1c » July 26, 2013 11:02am | Report
Ill say that 1.St picked would be apollo (Atleast in EU, ranked games ), next would be neith, and rest of range ad's would share that final spot. Tho all of this is only my opininions and how i have seen ppl pick at ranked. Hope i helped :3
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kintastic » July 26, 2013 11:58am | Report
#1 Apollo
#2 Neith
#3 Anhur
#4 Xbalanque

No ranged AD is worth using a ban at the moment, so two of the top three are the usual picks in tournaments, with xbalanque getting picked on rare occasions. Artemis and Cupid are just so vastly underwhelming in their role that they never get picked.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 26, 2013 2:36pm | Report
Kintastic wrote:

#1 Apollo
#2 Neith
#3 Anhur
#4 Xbalanque

No ranged AD is worth using a ban at the moment, so two of the top three are the usual picks in tournaments, with xbalanque getting picked on rare occasions. Artemis and Cupid are just so vastly underwhelming in their role that they never get picked.

I personnally dis agree with you list. Anhur is the strongest out of all ad carries in every way. Then neith then xbal then cupid than art.

I did not put Apollo in that list because while I greatly enjoy carrying everyone on Apollo's back and I always try to do that on every occasion, he to me is not as good at carrying as anhur or xbal but better than neith who does better than xbal.

This is because the only real ad carries are anhur, xbal and art.

Cupid's Role is very supportive to the point where he doesn't do enough damage until he gets realy realy realy fed.

Neith's Role is all about supportive controlle with all her cc and global ult, but she is a ad caster and you won't do enough damage unless you are A: extremly skilled with her or B: incredebly fed.( I know how much damage a neith can do but she If you know what you are doing is kinda easy to counter unless you are up against an incredebly good player.)

Apollo is my favorite pysical god and I will Carry like I would If I was playing anhur or xbal but his real strengt is his pushing and farming If you have played him than you know that his basic's are not as strong as anhur's or xbal's unless you are realy fed.
If you are playing Apollo you need to know how far you can go. Which can make laning possebly very passive or very agresive depanding on what you are laning against.
Apollo does not do much damage until very late game though he can do a good chunck of damage early but not mid game (but this is tower pushing time) unless you are very very very skilled with him.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 26, 2013 2:55pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

I personnally dis agree with you list. Anhur is the strongest out of all ad carries in every way. Then neith then xbal then cupid than art.

This is supposed to be a list of the top picks in ranked (high elo tier).

So the list would be Apollo/Anhur-->Neith-->Xbalanque and you never see Artemis or Cupid really. (For Solo ranked queue)

And something like Apollo-->Neith/Anhur-->Xbalanque and never Artemis or Cupid when it comes to conquest challenge.

That is at least what it looks like if you look at the recent matches of any of the top tier elo players ;)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 26, 2013 3:20pm | Report
Yea I am asking the top picks not who is better


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 26, 2013 3:26pm | Report
ICEN wrote:

Yea I am asking the top picks not who is better

Top Pick's are anhur, apollo and some neith's.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » July 26, 2013 5:29pm | Report
Agreed. Anhur, apollo, and neith. The pick %'s are very close due to which teams get which and team comp. Usually apollo will be with a high control team that let's him get off many auto attacks, with neith or anhur filling the opposite role.

Those 3 are pretty much the only ones picked every in the tournements. I watch (what used to be Snipe), Cog, Denial, and Dignitas quite a bit, and have never seen a cupid, xbal, or artemis pick from what I can remember.


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