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opinion on viablability please

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Forum » General Discussion » opinion on viablability please 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 24, 2013 10:15am | Report
so if any of you don't know. i like breaking the meta and putting god's that you don't usually see in these rolls right there.

one of the gods i have been playing around with is Freya in various lane's and jungle and i got to say the best result's with her in the solo lane. she is such a good 1v1'er and her wave clear is not half bad if you level her 2 first. i have been winning close to all my lane's (i lost them if a fed jungler's came along from murdering my teammate's).

since she get's so much damage from her level's solo lane seems like a very good place for her because you have your own kill potential and a lot of farm potential. there is usually no danger of falling behind and you are a decent counter to most other solo laner's.

Freya's passive gives a suprising amount of substain and she is not that mana hungry. her 3 is great for setting gank's up and her ult in the ultimate tower dive tool.

so what are your thought's on the viablility of solo Freya?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 24, 2013 10:50am | Report
She is actually played in solo from time to time. But there is picks that are a lot better though, she is the perfect Loki counter :P

So yes she is viable, but she isn't the easiest god to solo with :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 24, 2013 10:57am | Report
i have found her to be reletively easy as long as you keep your wave under controll before harressing.
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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