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Inability to jungle with an incompetent team

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Forum » General Discussion » Inability to jungle with an incompetent team 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by honeybadgerrr » September 2, 2013 9:15pm | Report
Greetings comrades,
As we all know smite has changed it's meta once again (I realise the change was made quite some time ago) to accommodate for, and strive towards, a moba that involves a 2-1-1 jungler split.
each role is crucial init's own way as we have seen time and time again.
but what I wish to discuss today (and hopefully gain some of your opinions and ideologies on the matter) is how dependent a jungler is on it's team, which at oft times leaves them far behind in both gold and experience.
I am predominantly a mid/ solo laner, but when required I can dual lane fairly effectively as well. In each of these roles I feel like, even if I have a bad start, i can catch up and bring something to the table to help aid the team.
However, so far my experience as a jungler has been miserable at best. It really is a shame since I enjoy gods suited for the jungle position most.
So far in the majority of games I've played (non ranked) a reoccurring theme has caught my eye.
I last pick to best suit the teams composition, if I am jungler I politely ask if i could get some aid with the middle harpies, red and blue buff before I go off on my own to jungle
However, I am greeted 9/10 times with no aid and no response.
This obviously makes things difficult as my health diminishes quickly and my farming is at a deficit. I am obviously blamed for falling behind in this circumstance.
OR, i do get farmed and go to make an easy gank, I call the gank several times and make my intentions clear.I then proceed to ask them to attack as soon as I initiate (no minions around), I gank and to my shock both laners stand there watching behind our minions without releasing a single skill shot
I get focused and die, finally team mates respond with "dnt feed noob"
for those who read it all what do you think? does this happen to you? It just agitates me how often it occurs how I described.

tldr: junglings hard with bad team mates,


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Lrv7795 » September 2, 2013 9:39pm | Report
Yes. Unfortunately, this does happen. IMO a good jungler on a team > no jungler > a bad jungler.

What I have found helpful is to wait until level 3 to jungle. This makes it easier to sustain yourself early game. Some people frown upon it, but it works for me.

As for the teammates, if you find yourself with incompetent teammates that don't know a gank from a tank, then you may want to wait in the jungle and let them initiate. Ganking normally may be a hard maneuver to coordinate with random players, which makes waiting a better strategy in some cases. Think about it. You(the squishy) take less damage, and the attack is much better timed. With this said, a simultaneous attack is always better.

The thing about jungling is that you are going in out numbered and out leveled. You must use teamwork, buffs, and surprise to shift the odds in your favor.

Try this. See if it works. VVGL


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by honeybadgerrr » September 2, 2013 10:07pm | Report
Thankyou for your insight, I never even thought of a lane to jungle shift after I leveled a few times.
It genuinely sounds like a good idea, thanks for the tips.
Would deaths toll be more viable in this situation rather than bumbas mask?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Emnity » September 3, 2013 12:56am | Report
I don't know what gods are you using to jungle but I'm almost always jungling. Maybe half my games in smite are in the jungle. Your first mistake is to take 3 camps with your team. This hinders your starting xp alot. You only need one guy to help you. Try to start at mid harpies then get the blue buff for whatever the side lane is, then proceed to jungle alone.... ALONE. Also I don't know how you come up with the idea that you are underleveled and low on gold. In most games I'm on par with levels and gold with mid and solo lane. Hell even in most cases I outlevel the side lanes. As I said your jungling is unefficient. Maybe your starting items also are bad picks or atleast worse picks then the optimal ones. Watch some guides or read about jungle tactics.
I'm a mad ganker and with that I often times gank at lvl 2-3 in most cases resulting in a kill or forcing a recall, then back to jungle. You should always be on the move. Remember respawn timers, be on time on the camps, never walk the width of the map without clearing camps if there are no camps to clear go gank, stick around a lane counter jungle or whatever but never everspend like 5-10 second without doing something. Worst case if all lanes are pushed hard and you can't gank and the jungle is cleared just recall, buy a ward go back to jungle/gank. I often times make my first recall with 2-3k gold. I never go back and I try to keep my advantage as high as possible. Remember the mid harpies respawn times. They are the biggest and easiest source of xp and gold they have a huge impact, so much that is kinda OP. Ward them !!! Counter the enemy jungler there. Ping your mid to help you clear them or tell him to do it. It's team advantage in all cases.
Some basic tips I could give you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 4, 2013 1:28am | Report
First of all, how is your build?

My normal build is: Bombas, hog, 1x health pot and 1x 400gold pot.
(On Tyr I go girdle instead of hog and on Ne Zha I just go whatever, because Ne Zha=OP).

Just be careful so that you don't pop the 400 pot and then get yourself killed on a bad gank :P

Second how is your jungle route?

When it comes to jungle routs you kind of need the team to know what to do as well, so it kind of sucks when doing solo queue.

Here is one of my favorite routes:

This is a route for when your solo-lane doesn't have hog (so when solo is a god like Loki, Ra etc).
Get mid harpies with the team (ADC and solo-lane goes to lane), give red to mid (none hogs, because you are 3 ppl there), give blue to solo-lane (you hog it, because you want your hog to be off cooldown at mid harpies when they spawn again at about 1:50), do right babyharpies, do speed for yourself (support uses hog), then if you got time for it you either go gank left lane or do blue before you go to mid harpies. Just be careful to be there when they spawn (the mid harpies that is).
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » September 5, 2013 11:47pm | Report
Unfortunately, in order to actually start to jungle without any problems, you need a leash from the team, and from when I have jungled... I haven't been receiving one.

Still, if you aren't jungling, be that competent guy and give a man a leash.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShinjiEvangelio » September 6, 2013 3:17am | Report
Your team is a very important issue when it comes to jungling... Yesterday I played in jungle and Odin from my team said that he hates junglers, he wont help me wth anything and he knows that Ill only feed everyone. What's more irritating he bought bumba's mask and also started to jungle -.-. Well in that case indeed I fed Ne Zha who was the enemy team jungler and was 2-3 levels ahead of me... But I don't think that You should really bother about teammates in casual. They're usually arrogant and they don't even know strategies for conquest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 6, 2013 10:32am | Report

Your team is a very important issue when it comes to jungling... Yesterday I played in jungle and Odin from my team said that he hates junglers, he wont help me wth anything and he knows that Ill only feed everyone. What's more irritating he bought bumba's mask and also started to jungle -.-. Well in that case indeed I fed Ne Zha who was the enemy team jungler and was 2-3 levels ahead of me... But I don't think that You should really bother about teammates in casual. They're usually arrogant and they don't even know strategies for conquest.

here is a sullution to that. say yes i also hate jungling but if i do good then we get a better chance at winning. even when you love jungling just say that because then they think less bad of you. you also gave them a valid reason to let you jungle.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by honeybadgerrr » September 6, 2013 11:44pm | Report
Thank you for your informative responses :)
I have taken into account the information provided by Emnity, BestMinionEver and Lrv7795 and am now enjoying jungling more so than before.


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