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Disco's Public Rando Mumble

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Forum » General Discussion » Disco's Public Rando Mumble 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiscoJones » May 20, 2013 10:38pm | Report
Hey you smooth cats,

So I've been playing SMITE off and on for about a month now and absolutely love it. I'm on the underside of marginally decent, on occasion, but every game to me is a good time. From watching (smitegame, among many others) and having been on the wrong end of that next level of coordination and teamwork that effectively melds two gods into one - the privilege of voice comms capability seems like a must if you want to experience the game as it's meant to be played.

While this has been a given for most clans or guilds for many years across many games - the snack sized gaming nature of SMITE doesn't lend much to making lasting connections for the solo 'random/rando' player.

So, I've set up a 35-man Public SMITE server for anyone who wishes to use it. Please feel free to share this and link it in matches for others to join you or for teams in the 'Rando Lounge' ahead of time and move to one of the channels.

Port: 4592
Pass: none

If you don't know what mumble is, or have the client - download here, it's free.

I have fairly odd and random play hours, but I too am in a position that I'm certainly not commiting to a 'team' but would much prefer to play with some regulars and use voice comm to really get the most out of the time spent.

I love smite and I want to help grow the community as we approach launch. Any suggestions or constructive comments are appreciated.

Stay smooth,


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by coldhotshot » May 21, 2013 1:43am | Report
You are god. Now help me find my mumble password...
Click on my signature to go to my guide!

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Fenrir :D

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiscoJones » May 25, 2013 12:09am | Report
Ha - That's quite the promotion. I'll settle for the 'smooth fandago' title however.

For anyone that attempted to connect the last two days - there was some sort of issue that's since been resolved. So far I've enjoyed finally getting to do some 'teamwork'.

Feel free to join and share.


Posts: 2

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