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About Skill Brackets

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Forum » General Discussion » About Skill Brackets 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zappy » January 21, 2014 11:40pm | Report
I looked around a bit but didn't see anywhere that immediately explained how this works.

I'm a rather new SMITE player, I come from dota 2 and play very casually but I'm still curious as to how it works and what skill I'm currently playing in.

I was wondering if some of you could explain it a bit to me. I think I'm an okay player for the amount I've played, and while I don't believe stats is the best way to judge a player it must affect who I'm matched against in some way.

I've heard it doesn't work on an ELO system.


Why is there gold around my frame when loading the game?
How does it take into account when I queue with a friend?
Does being a certain level mean anything?
Does it take into account how many heroes I've got a mastery in or how many roman numerals are in the portrait?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » January 22, 2014 12:58am | Report
Zappy wrote:

I've heard it doesn't work on an ELO system.


Why is there gold around my frame when loading the game?
How does it take into account when I queue with a friend?
Does being a certain level mean anything?
Does it take into account how many heroes I've got a mastery in or how many roman numerals are in the portrait?

Hi Zappy and welcome. :)

Let's take it one question at a time;

Q1: Why is there gold around my frame when loading the game?
The gold frame, I believe, is when you have a god mastered and/or own the golden skin. It's purely aestethics.

Q2: How does it take into account when I queue with a friend?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. The queue times remain the same whether you queue alone or with friends. With exception being Conquest Pre-made (5 man party), which has a notable longer queue time.

Q3: Does being a certain level mean anything?
It does. Depending on your level you get queue'd up with people of a similar level. I believe the level groups are as followed: 1-5, 6-19, 20-29, 30. Although this is not set in stone, as it sometimes matches you with people above or below your level group.
Also: when you are level 30 and have 14 masteries you can play League games.

Q4: Does it take into account how many heroes I've got a mastery in or how many roman numerals are in the portrait?
Nope. Your amount of masteries and/or the amount of whorshippers on a single god have no impact on who you get matched up with.
However, you need at least 14 masteries to play League at level 30. Since you can only pick gods you have mastered in this competitive game mode.

Q0: I've heard it doesn't work on an ELO system.
ELO does not do anything in terms of matching you up in casual queue. Having a higher ELO shows you higher on the screen during God Selection. But that's just for shows.
ELO does work for league games - but is measured seperately.
That's just my 2 cents.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 22, 2014 1:18am | Report
For Q0, that's not true. The current system is broken, I've been in the same match* with the same guy twice in a row, and we were in opposite positions; I was top and he was bottom, but next game we were flipped.

*First game, someone dodged.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » January 22, 2014 1:41am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

For Q0, that's not true. The current system is broken, I've been in the same match* with the same guy twice in a row, and we were in opposite positions; I was top and he was bottom, but next game we were flipped.

*First game, someone dodged.

Weird. I've consecutively been on the top position. Which is not boasting but simply the product of me having to play in low level queue's. I wonder if something other than hidden ELO is taken into account. Or maybe it is actually bugged.
That's just my 2 cents.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » January 22, 2014 1:45am | Report
There is a hidden elo systeam but it only matches you with people and it doesn't neccersarly mean the person in the top has the highest hidden elo which is a common mistake and not a smart systeam.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » January 22, 2014 1:51am | Report
All4Games wrote:

There is a hidden elo systeam but it only matches you with people and it doesn't neccersarly mean the person in the top has the highest hidden elo which is a common mistake and not a smart systeam.

I'm pretty sure it does. I did some testing to this extent myself. However I don't know what calculates the hidden ELO. The one with the highest definitely is on top.

I've had 3 accounts, one which my girlfriend used to play on, she had a win rate of 30%~ and a similar K/D. She usually ended up in the lower 3 positions.

One another account, that I made solely based on this being a hot topic way back, lost nearly every game. About a 5% winrate. Always on the bottom or second to bottom.

And my (new) main, with a normal win rate and a very high K/D ratio. So far I've always been on top. The only exception was when I played with a extravagantly good player, who, according to Tiermonster, also has a higher Arcadia(casual conquest) than me. He was above me in the list.
That's just my 2 cents.

Oy! Give me some privacy.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 22, 2014 4:19am | Report
I don't understand how your ELO can ever be accurate if the matchmaking logic thinks grouping you with a bunch of downies vs a steamroller premade is fair, though. Which seems to happen at least 3 out of 4 matches on an average day of solo queue.

This applies to Smite as easily as DOTA:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » January 22, 2014 4:27am | Report
The brackets are confusing. I don't think 30 has it's own bracket (Because I've played with low levels before. And they are always on my team. Every. Damn. Time.)
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
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