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Stuke99's Blog
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September 04, 2014
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I saw the new reworked kits for Odin and Arachne and here are my basic thoughts on them. Odin is now a more warrior like then before which he had Guardian-like abilities like his Odin's Shout and he passive on Gungnir's Might, now he has more damage oriented abilities with the new shout providing a protection shield and a damaging explosion after a timer is up so I'm happy that Odin might get out there more. For Arachne I never used her that much but looking at her new kit it seems similar to Loki as having abilities that work for a one hit effect and a slow to catch up to your opponent and with an ult that is like Thanatos but with the added twist of a spooky spider. I don't have much to talk about until I play them and give a complete thought on it so what do you guys think about the reworked kits for the two.

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August 25, 2014

Mekali's Departure & Player Rant

Views: 1373 Stuke99
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It's a sad thing that another player leaves a activity because of the idiot players who just ruined it for said player. I'm honestly seeing more and more players acting like hot **** because they got a K/D ratio that honestly doesn't mean jack outside of Smite, LoL, DoTA, COD, and so on. I'm disgusted that there are possibly more and more players leaving because they can't take the abuse anymore and for the win hungry losers that will find a excuses for why they loosed or shifting the blame to another player. Something needs to change before it just gets worst and worst with more false reports and uncooperative games that end in more players leaving. For Mekali, have fun and hopefully that you find a community that aren't full of these moronic twits that only care about winning and bring others down with them and or leaves the game at the same time. The war against wanna-be MLG's will go on and I don't think it will ever stop.

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July 25, 2014
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Hello Stuke here again, I though of this list last night and though it needed to be addressed. When it comes to all games that exist there are some really good players in games and Smite is no exception. Good in teamwork, gameplay, and attitude, but then there are some that are the worst humanity makes and these issues can really break the flow of the game and ruin your experience in Smite. So I compiled a list of the Top 5 Problems with Smite Players I have seen or have experience in Smite and will list them in order from actions that're just obnoxious to the most hateful act in the game. So lets begin shall we.

#5: Autolocking & Waitlocking:
This is the most common issue with Smite players I see once in a while but it can really start to be a real bad thing when it happens. If you want a role to play and all the sudden someone autolocks a god with the role you wanted it will really ruin the gameplay. Lets say for example you wanted to be a jungler, but your teammate autolocks Ara
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