March 16, 2019

Smite DNDified: Izanami, Nemesis, Ravana

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As a special request for PirateShini, I will DNDify Izanami, Nemesis, and Ravana. The format will go as followed: Race, Class, Abilities, Background, Skills, Equipment
Note: This is not a 1-1 recreation, I took liberties in this and stuck as close to no homebrews as possible.

Character #1: Izanami

Race: Dark Elf
    The additional dark vision, the 2 to dexterity and 1 to charisma, proficiency with rapiers, short swords, and hand crossbows add a nice flavor and gives Iza a more underworld hunter feel.

Class: Ranger-Wizard
    This will be the first multi-class character I've made, while I'm not certain of when you'll multi-class yet, we'll roll with it. For your first class, you're gonna pick Ranger and go with the Gloom Stalker sub-class as it's the stealthiest and gives you advantages in dark places. Ask your DM where'll mostly be and who you're most likely going to be fighting as Rangers get advantages in Favored Terrain as well as against a certain type of enemy but for this sake, Izanami's favored terrain will be Underdark and favored enemy will be Celestial. When you multi-class into Wizard, you're going to take the School of Necromancy for obvious reasons. You'll need to level Ranger for a bit until you get to increase your ability score, specifically get Intelligence to 13 to be able to multi-class Wizard.

    STR:10, DEX:15+2, CON:14, INT:12, WIS:13, CHA:8+1

Background: Criminal
Proficiency in stealth is a must and having deception is also fun to have. The addition of the Criminal Contact feature can help your party and add some role-play flavor as she is a known face in the Underdark.
    Personality Trait: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
    Ideal: Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)
    Bond: Something important was taken from me, and I aim to steal it back.
    Flaw: I turn tail and run when things look bad.

  • Stealth(BG)
  • Deception(BG)
  • Perception
  • Insight
  • Survival

  • Dungeoneer's Pack
  • Leather Armor
  • Hand Crossbow
  • Shortsword

Character #2: Nemesis
    This is going to be a tad different depending on which way you want to take her, so I went ahead and made two different builds as you can either go an Oath of Vengeance Paladin or an Inquisitive Rouge if you want to be close to her warrior roots or her current assassin play style.

Race: Human
    Take a +1 to Dexterity and a +1 to Charisma if you're going Paladin or +1 to Dexterity and +1 to Wisdom if Rouge and for a feat, we're going to take Great Weapon Master for Paladin, and for Rouge, we pick the Observant feat and at the +1 to your Wisdom to help with perception and being a better investigator.

Class: Paladin / Rouge
    Like I already stated you can pick Paladin if you want to be a front-line striker or go for Rouge if you want to play a flanker who finds weak points in a target and someone who can play detective in non-combat parts of the campaign.

Paladin Scores:
    STR:8, DEX:15+1, CON:13, INT:10, WIS:12, CHA:14+1
Rouge Scores:
    STR:8, DEX:15+1, CON:14, INT:10, WIS:13+1, CHA:12
    Both will be a swift striker and rely on your run around like in Smite but one has spells to back you and your team up and the other plays more into her justice nature.

Background: Faction Agent/ Urban Bounty Hunter
Paladin makes great use out of Faction Agent, with the background take proficiency in Insight and Investigation.
    Personality Trait: I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person's deeds and examples.
    Ideal: Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well. (Lawful)
    Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
    Flaw: I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.

Rouge gets a lot out of the Bounty Hunter background as well, take proficiency in Insight and Stealth so you can focus on getting other skills to help fill the inquisitive role better.
    Personality Trait: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
    Ideal: Redemption. There's a spark of good in everyone. (Good)
    Bond: Someone I loved died because of I mistake I made. That will never happen again.
    Flaw: If there's a plan, I'll forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll ignore it.

  • Insight(BG)
  • Investigation(BG)
  • Intimidation
  • Religion
  • Insight(BG)
  • Stealth(BG)
  • Investigation
  • Perception
  • Persuasion
  • Acrobatics

  • Rapier
  • Studded Leather
  • Explorer's Pack

  • Rapier
  • Leather Armor
  • Thieves' Tools
  • Burglar's Pack

Character #3: Ravana

Race: Tiefling (Feral Variant)
    While in-game, Tiefling doesn't make good monks but trying to stick as close as I can this is the only demon race in D&D. The Feral variant gives a nice boost is nice as monks need Dex.

Class: Monk
    Yep, monk. Strange but since it's the only class that offers hand-to-hand combat. At level 3 we're taking Way of the Open Hand to capitalize on it.

    STR: 12, DEX: 15+2, CON:14, INT:10+1, WIS:13, CHA:8
    Bobbing and weaving around and striking with your fists, just like Ravana in Smite. While you could switch the score of INT and CHA as he isn't a king for nothing.

Background: Far Traveler
While he is a demon king, he's also a scholar studying and focusing on learning new things, including traveling to get that information.
    Personality Trait: I have a strong code of honor or a sense of propriety that others don't comprehend.
    Ideal: Cunning. Though I may not know their ways, neither do they know mine, which can be to my advantage. (Evil)
    Bond: The gods of my people are a comfort to me so far from home.
    Flaw: I am secretly (or not so secretly) convinced of the superiority of my own culture over that of this foreign land.

  • Insight(BG)
  • Perception(BG)
  • Stealth
  • Athletic

    In Smite, Ravana doesn't use a weapon but you can as in his lore he's proficient in every weapon (or every simple weapon in D&D) so pick a weapon if you like or none.
  • Explore's Pack

Hopefully, this is close to what is in Smite and what is just as viable in D&D, if you got a suggestion to make another god DNDified put it in the comments below.