September 28, 2016

Recent Updates 4: I'm running out of ideas fo names

Views: 982 Sodsboy
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Me  |  Thoughts  |  School  |  Life
So hey there!
I know it's been a good while since we last had our conversation but I missed you. I hope you feel the same way.

Haha, jokes aside. Hope you guys have been having fun. Not a lot has happened from last time apart from dying my hair a dark blue and managing my recording and streaming....Yeah...Let's just say that hasn't been working out for me

Concerning Smite, I'm in a mid point where I like Smite enough to do an odd game here and there but I hate it just enough to take massive breaks from it. Guides I'm doing right now are a Susano one which is bound to be complete by tonight or tomorrow.

Happy hunting,