June 21, 2016

Recent Updates 3: The updataning!

Views: 880 Sodsboy
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Me  |  Update  |  Gameplay  |  Overwatch

I know I've been gone for quite a while and I know that I barely talk to anyone which is very odd for me. I guess you can say I've been playing too much overwatch as of late and barely given myself any time for Smite.

So what am I doing right now? Exams, revision and gaming...Also sleeping, definitely sleeping. My Merc guide is rather nice and is going along swimmingly and the Macmillan project is doing fine as of late.

I'll try and be as social and as talkative as I used to be but no promises. Also, if anyone actually wants to play Overwatch with me... Sodsboy#2100 for ya'll.

Happy Hunting,