June 01, 2013

Life and Smite

Views: 1495 RazeMage
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Hi guys, love to see you all :D (not in a sexual way)

It's so fun that i can write blogs again since i love to share my personal to everyone and you guys are so nice ;) more than my friends at school (i'm not good at talking directly)

Hmmmm, i actually pretty confused when i write this blog if i should continue writing or studying for exams. But, #$%* exams, i will just write blogs.

So, 1 week ago, my smite stopped working. It said to be fixed but i don't know what to do. :( i really don't understand. But i redownload it in other channel and it worked :D I hate Hi-Rez for making me to do more work i should

Other than that, i still don't understand why hi-rez still keep the tiered abilities. Yes, i get used to it but i still don't like it (except using meditation III in assault) I mean, who would like to buy tier 3. I know it has been talked for many times but i just want talk about it.

And, a just read hifrombuddha blogs about past smitefire members and i think i need to thank them also (although i don't know any of them) But, without them, i heard that smitefire will die and i would not be here at the time.

And yay, i have been playing smite for 3 months. Would anyone buy me a cake? No? Okay ._.

At last, if anyone can help me with Mandarin language and playing mage, i would like it.

Thanks everyone for reading this. See you next time

Watch this video, it is totally great