June 04, 2017


Views: 1590 Deermouse
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smite  |  ravana
Holy **** guys so I have had a hard time finding a warrior that I like enough to even try to play more then one game with I love herc but I am so bad with him its a little sad :3.

BUT then last night a holy light shined down by the way of a miss pick I ran to the bathroom waiting for my follow teammates to pick there gods just had to do a #1 no big deal so I ran back to my tv with ten seconds left on the clock so I quickly scan down to R named gods and grab my boy RAtataskor....only when the loading screen came up it was Ravana. Needless to say I was sad o great a god I have never played time to look like a total a#$hat. so we ran up to grab damage buff in joust and of course had a conflict are Ra dead there Da ja and Rama jumped him like he owed them money me and yamir held them off for a bit then he died so now its me against three gods about half HP I grabed the damage buff yamir died to secure for me and holy **** ravana went APE S$%T my one dropped there GEB then Da ja teleported in on me this is how I found out Ravana's 2 makes you immune to damage after a kick in the face Da Ja was dead well the Rama was dead set on killing me so I popped Med as he rolled in to pick up his astral arrow and ended up ripping him apart with basics and as he was running away I got the triple kill with my one. This was my first time ever playing Ravana and before 2 minutes on the clock I got a triple kill. My first ever triple kill in smite. I hope you guys enjoyed this little blog of my first ever triple kill. :D

Also Ravana is now my main LOL