January 02, 2015

So I played HotS again...

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So I tried it out again, and I have more to say.

I've gotten over the whole no items thing. Well, mostly because of the talents system.

I also now understand that ultimates have to be weaker in HotS just because of the way the game is played.

However, I am still dissatisfied. Because now that I actually understand the game... well, I understand the game.

Toxic. Everywhere. Literally, you can tell if you're playing with people from LoL, and most of the time, you are. It's pathetic.

Balance issues, holy ****. Melee Assassins are insanely powerful, and nothing can stop them. I main Malfurion, so my plan was if there is a melee assassin on the other team, I would get Shrink Ray.

Two problems: One, there's ALWAYS a melee assassin on the other team. ALWAYS. And second, it doesn't ****ing do anything, Zeradul still 2 shots me before I can do anything.

Don't give me that, they're squishy ********, because Zeradul has a cloak and a blink, so he's impossible to focus.

And I still hate being able to only play certain Heroes. After a long *** time of having the God Pack in Smite, I hate having locked Heroes.

I think I like it better than the last time I played it, but at the same time the game can be very frustrating.