May 04, 2014

il be in england for 10 days starting monday... fml was never so real

Views: 2325 All4Games
il will be residing in enland starting monday for 10 days. this means i will not be on skype or any video games. i will only be on smitefire trough my phone. that means i can not reply to any pm's though i can receive them and make new ones.

i will be in england because of my school. they follow a programm that is internationally exapted called cainbridge certificate. i will be there with 3 other classmates who are 4 times worse at english then me so i will unlikely learn anything from that. because they are glue babies i will also be playing translator during the trip. so fml...

i will be residing in a guest home. i will be living there for 10 straight days. so fml...

i have checked the place im going and there is basicly nothing to do close to the guest home. so F M L!

i am not looking forward to tomorrow. i am seriously so pissed off about it i got close to gampling haning my self or going...(overexadurated)

it will be 10 days of suck where i will have to do things with people i dont like while translating for them while learning nothing...

its technacly not required to go but if your a human you can basicly not make the test which counts for half of your final grade on the exam which comes with it.

not lying every one in the school who went will tell you this and so will the teachers. almost every year one person doesnt go and fails 100% of the time.

my one salvation is that i have my 3ds with me and i have kingdom hearts dream drop distence just for this trip and i got pokebank working so i can go bread my pokemon team on showdown in game now! woo.

anyone tips for staying mentally stable? not neccesarly sane. just stable.