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Sylvanus, wood you just look at it

2 0 10,173
by IsaiahxMetal updated April 25, 2023

Smite God: Sylvanus

Build Guide Discussion 3 More Guides
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Build Summary


Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Ancient Blade Ancient Blade
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Extended Build

Items, skills, words

Sylvanus is a tree (no ****), but that also means he can give life and root the absolute living hell out of people. This build is focusing around helping your team and nothing else? Wanna do damage? Maybe. Wanna heal and root? Also maybe, I mean your playing do whatever you want.

This build consists of high health and cooldowns, the split protection items are for the team not you. Prophetic cloak and binding stone will be working on bolstering and depleting defenses with the help of lotus sickle and sylvanus 1. It's possible to lower defenses to a total of 45 physical and magical defense.

Rod of Asclepius update is rather strong. Providing stronger heals (especially to the buff of wisps) and a constant 10% CDR to you and the team.

I like to finish off my build with contagion since healing seems to have taken this last patch by storm.

Mainly you want to hit an enemy with your root then follow up with a grab followed by wisps/ultimate. This will lock a single god down for at least 4 seconds and dot the hell out of them. Everything revolves around his throwable root ability, you can free hand his grab but it takes quite a bit of skill as it comes out slower than my grandma stuck between the tub and toilet. Hitting as many gods as possible with wisps is another thing you should be constantly doing as the updated wisps proves to be no push over damage or healing wise.

This is my first guide and it's hard on a mobile device. But if you stick to this general roundabout for sylvanus you'll realize he has huge potential that can be realized by only you. The god that you are

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Kriega1 (143) | April 25, 2023 10:54am
Sent > Prophetic > Thebes > Lotus Sickle > Spectral / filler > filler (E.G. Shogun's)
Branmuffin17 (400) | April 25, 2023 9:53am
Hi Isaiah,

While your build isn't necessarily bad and has functional items, I would generally suggest some different ones, or at least to have alternative items as options to consider.
  • Since you've got to build stacks on Prophetic Cloak, one consideration would be to build this earlier, as first item. Yes, Lotus Sickle is functional and it's got a very low cost so that might work too, but something to consider.

  • Gauntlet of Thebes is still a good item for any supp. You can even combine this with Prophetic for high early dual prots. You would probably then delay Lotus.

  • With no escape, Spectral Armor should be a situational item in case you're facing crit damage.

  • Other items to consider include Shogun's Kusari (great for his own basics as well as team support and MP5) and Spirit Robe (mitigations are nice, CDR is nice, you don't have CC reduction in any other item).

  • With his healing being on the weak side, Rod of Asclepius is maybe situational IMO. The MS is nice, but you could alternatively consider investing in Breastplate of Regrowth which would give you a much nicer MS boost. Yes, the CDR is also nice, which sort of saves it as being an option, rather than a throwaway.

  • Contagion isn't considered very strong right now. In addition, it requires you to be next to the enemy, and while you will sometimes be there, you're not a standard frontline support. Still if you feel you need anti-heal, this is one of your few options.

  • Blink Rune is a functional way to initiate yourself into a teamfight followed immediately by your ult. Not sure I'd grab Med. Shell would be my first pickup, and Blink standard 2nd, though other teamfight / utility relics can also work.
IsaiahxMetal | April 25, 2023 10:24am
Yes I agree with you 100% on the Thebes and prophetic part there. I like contagion just for the extra dots and anti heal to provide, your right on sylv not being as frontline but this build has been working wonders for me just because it gets the cooldowns online really quickly aswell Wich is a big part of his kit. I would get rid of contagion tho for any other item you described, most likely shogun's because yes it does help both you and all your teammates. I go with meditation early just to couple with wisps for a sort of eastly game emergency quick heal as I like to help the team out alot more than myself shell at 12 just because it only takes about 7 minutes to get there
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League of Legends Build Guide Author IsaiahxMetal
Sylvanus, wood you just look at it
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