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Flower Power!

18 2 28,529
by Blade Waters updated October 22, 2022

Smite God: Sylvanus

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Build Summary

build order

Notes Speaking of flower power let's start with some quick tips,

1. "At the start of the match you'll have enough time to plant flowers in solo lane, mid lane, and still have enough time to get to green camp. The flowers will provide a fallback point to help regen mana in the early game and ensure more sustain for your team. plus they smell nice!"

2. "Wisps are great they heal friends and hurt foes but they also add protections to you and your allies. If you build lotus crown, heartward amulet, and sovereignty that's an extra 65-magic and 55-physical protections plus healing in team fights!"

3. "Nature's Grasp is useful for many things like yanking people out of their towers, into your towers, or getting extra stun time on an enemy but did you know that it works through walls and player structures? Next time Ymir is running and pops a wall give him a pat on the back!"

After you clear green camp use hands of the gods on purple for a quick entry into lane ensuring at best you get first wave, or at worst you get there the same time as the enemy.

shield of regrowth and pythagorems piece are typically my last two items but use your best judgement based off of the enemy team, If they have strong healers use divine ruin to cut their healing in half in team fights, your team getting creamed in team fights? evolve breastplate into breastplate of valor and pick up heartward amulet and sovereignty, you being picked out in team fights? evolve breastplate into breastplate of determination grab spectral armor and oni hunters garb.

I've left the second relic up to you as well because no one right answer exists use your fav.


Speaking of flower power let's start with some quick tips,

1. "At the start of the match you'll have enough time to plant flowers in solo lane, mid lane, and still have enough time to get to green camp. The flowers will provide a fallback point to help regen mana in the early game and ensure more sustain for your team. plus they smell nice!"

2. "Wisps are great they heal friends and hurt foes but they also add protections to you and your allies. If you build lotus crown, heartward amulet, and sovereignty that's an extra 65-magic and 55-physical protections plus healing in team fights!"

3. "Nature's Grasp is useful for many things like yanking people out of their towers, into your towers, or getting extra stun time on an enemy but did you know that it works through walls and player structures? Next time Ymir is running and pops a wall give him a pat on the back!"

After you clear green camp use hands of the gods on purple for a quick entry into lane ensuring at best you get first wave, or at worst you get there the same time as the enemy.

shield of regrowth and pythagorems piece are typically my last two items but use your best judgement based off of the enemy team, If they have strong healers use divine ruin to cut their healing in half in team fights, your team getting creamed in team fights? evolve breastplate into breastplate of valor and pick up heartward amulet and sovereignty, you being picked out in team fights? evolve breastplate into breastplate of determination grab spectral armor and oni hunters garb.

I've left the second relic up to you as well because no one right answer exists use your fav.

Build Item Manikin Scepter Manikin Scepter
Build Item Hand of the Gods Hand of the Gods
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Sylvanus Threats

Tap each threat level to view Sylvanus’s threats


Sylvanus Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Sylvanus’s synergies


Extended Build

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Lyreries | November 22, 2022 5:49pm
Hey i have a question what is the best ability order in your opinion im trying to find my main and i really like flowers so this character might work for me
Branmuffin17 (400) | November 22, 2022 7:08pm
I assume you're playing him as support in Conquest, or a general tanky support type character in any other mode.

Typically in Conquest, you'll level his 1 at level 1, and you can sort of help out teammates by dropping 1 under towers to help with mana regen before going to lane. From there it actually opens up a bit. Here are the two main options:
  • Level 1-5 skill order: 1-3-2-1-4. Try this one when you are able to hit level 2 earlier than the enemy duo, and you have some early damage potential...can try for an early kill by using the 1-3 combo (especially on a god without mobility) or at least force the enemy to back way off so you can maintain early pressure, get jungle camps, etc.

  • Level 1-5 skill order: 1-2-3-1-4. This is a more defensive order, getting that bit of healing and protections earlier.
And typically, you'll prioritize the skills in the following order: 1-2-3-4 or 1-2-4-3. The 1 is prioritized for the aggressiveness...reduced CD, increased damage, and enemy protection reduction. The 2 is then prioritized for the increased team prots, situational damage, and healing. The 3 is leveled only for reduced CD, so typically I'd say level the ult where possible before the 3, unless you're really good at nailing the 3 and you find you're getting a chance to do it often.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blade Waters
Flower Power!
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