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Bellona vs physical, solo lane

20 2 36,129
by BrutalB updated June 10, 2023

Smite God: Bellona

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Bellona Build


Notes This item is built for sustain and is great for boxing.


This item is built for sustain and is great for boxing.

Build Item Death's Embrace Death's Embrace


Notes Start for physical


Start for physical

Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield


Notes If you have survivability issues shoguns/Phalanx are good options here


If you have survivability issues shoguns/Phalanx are good options here

Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais


Notes Pick up which ever one you didn't grab.


Pick up which ever one you didn't grab.

Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari


Notes Great item for high cc teams the extra mit plus your passive and ult make you very tanky for fights.


Great item for high cc teams the extra mit plus your passive and ult make you very tanky for fights.

Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

6 (dependent)

Notes Get what you need dependent on the game. Exe helps if you position right as you can delete adcs, but if they are completely grouped more defense is typically what you need.


Get what you need dependent on the game. Exe helps if you position right as you can delete adcs, but if they are completely grouped more defense is typically what you need.

Build Item The Ferocious Executioner The Ferocious Executioner
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor


Notes You can deviate these relics, but these are what I typically run.


You can deviate these relics, but these are what I typically run.

Build Item Persistent Teleport Persistent Teleport
Build Item Heroic Teleport Heroic Teleport
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads


I wanted to give a god who typically gets passed on for the current four lane bullies a little love.

First, in the upcoming patch power is being nerfed significantly, mages are going to be hitting even weaker so you will possibly see more double adc comps. In those double adc comps Bellona shines.

Ability breakdown

So your ability break down, Bellona has very simple abilities.
Your 1 is a dash, if it connects you gain block stacks and it slows, if you get block stacks you reflect 30% of basic attack damage back and immune that auto. Every three autos you gain another stack of block up to 3.
Your 2 is a wind up that slams in a straight line after a spin. The slam does increased damage the more people you hit on the wind up, and then turns your autos into a cleave.
Your 3 is a line disarm that takes away the ability to auto for a duration, increases your attack range and gives healing every third auto.
Your 4 is a leap stun, when you land it drops a flag that gives protections, power, and if you hit an enemy under the flag it stuns and deals damage (Cool down gets this to 45 seconds which is a very short ultimate).

Ability levels are 2, and then you can get your 1/3 I prefer the 3 as you can get extended autos after clearing wave with every 3 healing you. For maxing 2,3,4,1. They recently changed Bellona 1 to have 20% slow at all levels which is much needed from the 10% start it was before.


The build as shown above should work in 95% of the games you will play. As with all builds dependent on tweaks and nerfs things will shift around.
DT is the primary Bellona starter item, paired with a high attack speed build late game you should be able to 1v1 any adc and even 1v2 if played right. Berserker shield gives mitigation, attack speed, hp5 and hp (Perfect for Bellona). Shoguns is an aura attack speed item that is your typical core magical defense item, it also gives health and cool down which helps. Qins is your main damage item, the nerf to it is going to make damaging squishies a little harder, but your abilities weren't changed so your box into them should be stronger. Spirit robe is an item that gives very cost efficient stats, this will get you to 30% cool down and a red pot/cool down buff will get you the rest. Last item is dependent on what you need, I normally go exe as I position well enough to utilize it. There will be times where they have too much damage and you will need to go defense though.

Bellona, Solo lane vs a physical

For fighting you have a simple combo 3,1,4 or 4,3,1 the bludgeon is really for securing and chipping you don't want to fight in it unless multiple are on you or you are in lane boxing through wave.

For the lane phase you want to keep your passive up as much as possible, it also goes the same for what ever weapon you had in hand, every 7 seconds if you don't hit an auto it goes away.

Some tips vs typical gods you will see.

Vamana can't actually catch you if you just run away from his ult, and new patch his ult will expire even faster if you aren't fighting him. Your box into him without ult is also really good.
Hercules is about side stepping his combo, no combo no damage. His 1/2 hit very hard, but if he can't connect his damage is lack luster. You can updown his ult as well completely negating it.
Guan is about clearing the wave and gaining pressure over him first. His 3 takes a while before he can even really get going, and the reduced stack of shred helps keep you even tankier. He also wants to dash you every time you get close to reduce cooldowns and slow you, keep running around him in random directions while attacking him. You can updown his horse, but as he can get off anytime you have to get his timing down perfect. If you can't updown his horse consistently you can catch him in his 3 fairly easy as this takes away his primary damage.
Tyr probably is the most awkward match up as in order to get up in his face you are becoming a bull fighter, you need to be able to side step his abilities quickly. When he ults you want to delay yours as his has a more awkward wind up for the up down.

As with the tips above sometimes you can actually get away with just clearing and forcing them to rotate pre maturely, most of those gods go double physical defense first so if you bring them to your flat pen mage early on you will burst them.

Any questions I can help with either in main smite server just @Belly

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