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A Fiery Guide to Pele

25 8 35,482
by reenry updated October 4, 2023

Smite God: Pele

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
Choose a Build: Pele Jungle
Pele Jungle Pele Solo
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Pele Build


Notes Wing or Horn shard is your best bets regarding starting relic. Carapace can work.


Wing or Horn shard is your best bets regarding starting relic. Carapace can work.

Build Item Eye Of The Jungle Eye Of The Jungle
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Wing Shard Wing Shard
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Full Build

Notes Do not buy Jotun's Vigor early unless you have extra gold or until you get past Arondight. Save the gold for the important items.


Do not buy Jotun's Vigor early unless you have extra gold or until you get past Arondight. Save the gold for the important items.

Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Arondight Arondight
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Bound Gauntlet Bound Gauntlet
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads

Extra Items

Notes Bluestone can also work as a starter but I prefer Protector due to late game protections and stats. Go Soul Eater instead of Brawler's Beat Stick if no anti-heal is needed. You can go magi's if a god you are trying to kill has heavy cc, preventing you from doing a combo.

Assassins kill so fast that Brawler late game is not really needed and shouldn't be used as an anti-heal option unless dueling a god like Anubis or Hades a lot.

Pick up Bloodforge if you want as a last item.

Jotunn's Vigor is a perfectly fine option instead of Transcendence. Works with passive.


Bluestone can also work as a starter but I prefer Protector due to late game protections and stats. Go Soul Eater instead of Brawler's Beat Stick if no anti-heal is needed. You can go magi's if a god you are trying to kill has heavy cc, preventing you from doing a combo.

Assassins kill so fast that Brawler late game is not really needed and shouldn't be used as an anti-heal option unless dueling a god like Anubis or Hades a lot.

Pick up Bloodforge if you want as a last item.

Jotunn's Vigor is a perfectly fine option instead of Transcendence. Works with passive.

Build Item Bluestone Brooch Bluestone Brooch
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Magi's Revenge Magi's Revenge
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Jotunn's Vigor Jotunn's Vigor
Build Item Horn Shard Horn Shard

Pele's Skill Order Notes Skill priority is 1>4>3>2

Depending if Ult is on CD or XP situation, upgrade 1 to max before ult at level's 9/10.

1 is the most important for damage.


Skill priority is 1>4>3>2

Depending if Ult is on CD or XP situation, upgrade 1 to max before ult at level's 9/10.

1 is the most important for damage.


1 X Y
1 4 6 7 8 9


2 A B
3 15 16 18 19

Magma Rush

3 B A
Magma Rush
2 11 12 13

Volcanic Lightning

4 Y X
Volcanic Lightning
5 10 14 17 20
1 4 6 7 8 9


1 X
Pele flourishes and fires out a magma orb ahead of her in a line, dealing damage and granting fuel per enemy hit. Once the fiery projectile reaches maximum distance it hovers for a brief instant, solidifies, and then returns back in pieces, dealing damage to enemies on the way back. The number of shards returning is dependent on the rank of this ability.

Pele has 2 charges of this ability.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Return Damage: 30 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Fuel Gain: 5
Range: 60
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 15s
3 15 16 18 19


2 A
Pele fiercely erupts energy into the ground, exploding in an area around her, causing damage and Knockup to all enemies.

At ranks 3 and 5 the area expands again at a delay, dealing less damage and a smaller Knockup.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Inner Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Outer Damage: 140 / 180 / 220 (+60 of your Physical Power)
Radius: 15 / 25 / 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
Magma Rush
2 11 12 13

Magma Rush

3 B
Pele churns the land around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and providing constant movement speed while this ability is active.
Toggle this ability again to enter an amplified state, expending more fuel but dealing more damage and providing additional movement speed.
This ability has no cooldown but uses fuel and cannot be activated when below 10 fuel.
This damage does not trigger Item effects.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Speed: 30%
Amplified Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Amplified Speed: 60%
Initial Fuel Cost: 5
Cost: 10
Cooldown: 0s
Volcanic Lightning
5 10 14 17 20

Volcanic Lightning

4 Y
After a short warm up, Pele dashes forwards dealing massive damage and a slow to the first enemy God hit, and dealing additional damage to enemies behind in a cone.

For the next 10 seconds or 4 attacks, every time Pele hits an enemy with a basic attack, she instead deals ability damage in a cone originating from that enemy. During this time Pele's basic attacks deal 40% reduced damage.

Ability Type: Cone, Slow, Damage
Damage: 180 / 265 / 350 / 435 / 520 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cone Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 3s
Range: 60/35
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Pele Threats

Tap each threat level to view Pele’s threats


Pele Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Pele’s synergies


Pele Introduction

Pele is a high damage god who can sustain off her passive very easily in fights, making her hard to kill solo or in team fights without proper CC. She can dominate the early game with her knockup, sustain, and ult doing huge damage but can fall off late game once grouped. Pele's lack of mobility can also be an issue if relics are on CD.

Pele's Kit

Fuel Meter

Pele has a special flame meter above her health bar to signify how much fuel she has. Beside that meter are two meteors to signify how many charges of Pyroclast she has.


Everlasting Flame

When Pele drops below 50% health her flame is set alight, and she gains increased Physical Power, Lifesteal and Ability Lifesteal. This passive has a 30s cooldown.

This passive is signified by an icon appearing above your health bar and Pele glowing.

POWER: 5+1 per level

Ability 1


Pele flourishes and fires out a magma orb ahead of her in a line. Once the fiery projectile reaches maximum distance it hovers for a brief instant, solidifies, and then returns back in pieces, dealing damage to enemies on the way back. The number of shards returning is dependent on the rank of this ability. Pele has 2 charges of this ability.

Besides her fuel meter are two meteors to signify how many charges of pyroclast she has.

DAMAGE: 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% OF YOUR PHYSICAL POWER)
COST: 40/45/50/55/60

Ability 2


Pele fiercely erupts energy into the ground, exploding in an area around her, causing damage and Knockup to all enemies. At ranks 3 and 5 the area expands again at a delay, dealing less damage and a smaller Knockup.

INNER DAMAGE: 80/125/170/215/260 (+80% OF YOUR PHYSICAL POWER)
COST: 60/65/70/75/80

Ability 3

Magma Rush

Pele churns the land around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and providing constant movement speed while this ability is active. Toggle this ability again to enter an amplified state, expending more fuel but dealing more damage and providing additional movement speed. This ability has no cooldown but uses fuel and cannot be activated when below 10 fuel. This damage does not trigger Item effects.

DAMAGE: 10/15/20/25/30 (+5% OF YOUR PHYSICAL POWER)
SPEED: 30%
COST: 10


Volcanic Lightning

After a short warm up, Pele dashes forwards dealing massive damage and a slow to the first enemy God hit, and dealing additional damage to enemies behind in a cone. For the next 10 seconds or 3 attacks, every time Pele hits an enemy with a basic attack, she instead deals ability damage in a cone originating from that enemy. During this time Pele's basic attacks deal 50% reduced damage.

DAMAGE: 200/280/360/440/520 (+60% OF YOUR PHYSICAL POWER)
CONE DAMAGE: 100/140/180/220/260 (+40% OF YOUR PHYSICAL POWER)
SLOW: 20/25/30/35/40%
COST: 100


As Pele you want to start your normal Jungle.

Start Gold Fury side Speed, clear Red
and rotate with Mid and clear lane as normal until Level 3 (get side camps as opportunity presents), which then you split into Jungle for normal rotations.

Pele has a huge power spike at Level 5 with her ult. This allows you to either engage with, blink ult, or catch up with someone. Pele's ult is also her only form of fast mobility, this can be blocked by another person. Ideally you want to gank lanes and catch somebody with there mobility down, which isn't an issue if you blink, take mobility, then ult to them to finish. Pele has a strong early game presence against majority of gods! So don't be afraid to take fights or invade, just watch your cooldowns and how many charges of Pyroclast you have!

Pele Fundementals

With Pele there are a few fundamental rules you need to understand before diving into a fight.

1. Always make sure your passive is up, this helps with winning a fight. If not but you have advantage, take it.

2. Always make sure you have BOTH charges of Pyroclast. This is the main source of Pele's damage.

3. Make sure you are using Magma Rush wisely. This gives a nice movement speed buff to help catch up or run away. Note this also gives a huge power boost (this is why this is prioritized second in skill order.) Make sure you are recasting for the enhanced version of this ability mid fight so you can get full value. If you run out you can be in trouble.

4. Auto Attack Cancel! This is the difference between a good Jungle and a bad Jungle. This can be applied to most ability based god's and Pele is no exception. You lose so much damage if you do not and the half second means so much in securing a kill!

5. Play off team's CC and watching enemy CC timers. If you see an Athena Taunt go off or a Maui 3 now is your time to strike. There is nothing worse then getting caught mid channel of your 2 just to die to CC.

6. Make sure to pre-beads. If you want to land Eruption against another CC heavy god, make sure you pre-beads the peel! You will win a lot of fights if you knock up! Don't waste it on fights you know you can win.

Pros / Cons


1. Pele has a great early start, and can leave mid lane rather early! Leaving her to pressure lanes, farm, and invade without much issue.

2. Pele has amazing sustain, allowing her to stay in fights and win against multiple people more easily than other Assassins.

3. Can punish rather effectively, her knockup combined with her ult can lockdown and clean up.

4. She has a pretty good objective shred for an ability-based assassin, allowing her to shred objectives faster at the cost of her cooldowns.

5. She can dominate majority 1 on 1 fights.


1. Pele's lack of mobility makes for a punishing late game if she doesn't all in. There are some fights where its too risky without playing slowly. She can die easily if any of her relics or ult are on CD.

2. Pele can can't sustain very well in 30+ minute game, either because every has too much damage, or anti-heal.

3. Pele can't win fights if she is on CD. She has to wait for pyroclast and her fuel meter to recharge before engaging again. She is also at high risk of losing a fight if her ult is on CD, using it as her only way of turning a fight or escaping. If relic's are down, she can't pre-beads into a knockup or blink to engage to save ult.

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Kriega1 (143) | September 6, 2023 6:02am
50% CDR on Pele Solo and Heartseeker with low power.
bigman7305 | March 4, 2023 9:35pm
I think it would be better if you swapped crusher and beat stick and then made beat stick situational because that item is pretty bad unless you REALLY need antiheal
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