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Solo Athena OP: Guide

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Solo Athena OP: Guide 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Horserax » April 21, 2016 8:18am | Report
I was going to just do a general guide on many non meta solo gods that can work, but ended up doing a intence guide on my fave non meta solo laner. I hope you all enjoy and if you want to see guides on moor non meta gods like Hun batz solo, Nu Wa support, or Athena jungle, let me know.

My go to non meta solo lanner and the strongest I have ever used, I would even go to call myself a solo Athena main. haha!

Start with Soul Reliquary (teir 1 book of toth) and a power potion. I usually get 5 health potions and a couple mana pots to help me sustain in lane.
Final Build
by the end, the build you should be aiming for is: Book of toth, CDR boots, Polynomicon, Obsidian shard, Chronos pendant, and Rod of Tahuli remember tho, you can always build against your oponents. if you feel you need defence then replace Chronos Pendant with Breastplate of Valor, and Obsidian shard with Void Stone. Athena mostly is relying on her natural bulk to keep her in the fight, not being tanky with full damage but far from a squish. As for relics, Sprint is very good to get at the start as it helps get you to lane faste rand helps you get away from fights or get back into the fight. beads and aegis are both good if the enemy has members like hun batz or ares, and weakening can perform similarly to sprint, and is the better pick if your against a healer like change. in the end, pick the relic best for the situation at hand.

Leveling patterns
at LV 1, you should get your dash first. this will help you not only clear the jungle camps at the start but it will help you get away if the enemy trys to invade, such, keeping your power potion intact for the battle ahead. max your 1 first, picking up your taunt at lv 4 and then your ult at lv 5. after this, max your 3, don't put another lv into your ult until after you max your taunt wich comes after your 3. this wil max your damage output and clear potential.

Early game Guidelines
the earlygame is the hardest for Athena and you need to be careful, because Athena's clear isn't too good at the start you require this power potion to clear effectively, DO NOT DROP THIS POWER POTION it will give your enemy a much larger lead then it would on anyone else, and second most important: KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR BLUE BUFF Athena is mana hungry early on, espeshily when she has to hold her own lane. without the blue buff you sustain you, you WILL lose your lane and you WILL fall far, far behind. Generally tho, like with all power potions, you should try to get a kill. no one exspects the damage output a lv 4 Athena with power potion can do, use this to surprise them and get a early kill. you only got one shot tho, as your damage cant surprise them again and they will quickly adapt.

Mid Game Guidelines
once you get to around lv 10-14 things start to get fun, by now your toth should be mostly if not fully stacked. now, its time to make use of the most powerful thing Athena has in the solo lane: her rotations. her ultamite should be used as often as possible, ult over to a teammates lane to secure a kill, or to surprise the enemy and get you your own kill. the solo laner might have exspirenced your damage but dou and mid hasn't, I cant count how many times I ult over to my adc as they charge blindly in and we just collapse on the enemy and get a double ez pz. usually you would have pollynomicon at this point, and a max damage Athena full build with poly and obsidian can do 400 damage with a SINGLE basic to a tower ya that's right, reach + polly + obsidian can do 400 damage to a tower in a single shot. this is what you gotta make use of: ult over, get a kill, poly the tower, back, clear your lane, repeat.

Late game Guidelines
at this point your job is a lil moor normal, generally just do what normal solo laners do. you should be split pushing, using your high cc to help teamfights, and getting into there backlines and picking off a squish with your mobility. Athena at this point becomes a mix between an assassin and a burst mage, most relatable to ao kuang. get into there backlines, burst someone with magical damage, get back to your team for safty and use your cc in the following teamfight. ofcoruse you don't have to follow this mindset, adapt to how your game is going and do your best. if you got this far and are onpar with your team (or fed like you should be) then you can handle the late game.

General Counters
none. I have yet to meet a god that can beat her in lane. at least not any meta gods, I have yet to meet many non meta solo laners like Arachne and Zues. maybe they will fair better? who knows.

So that's my solo athnea guide, if you feel there is anything I'm missing plz tell me so I can update it. thanks for reading, and have fun dominating the enemy team and smashing the meta! :D


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » April 22, 2016 2:17pm | Report
Athena solo can't haandle Ravana, and this is from personal experience.
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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