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Issues with Deserter Penalties when The servers kick me

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Forum » Support » Issues with Deserter Penalties when The servers kick me 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Necrodrake0731 » April 12, 2021 6:34am | Report
Hello, I Don't know where to go with this, so I am brining it here-
this has Happen to me on 4 occurrences now, I have been playing SMITE, when I am suddenly kicked from the game, but not only am I Kicked, but my entire group is kicked, when I log back in, I join into the game as the only player connected, it auto surrenders, then I am slapped with a Deserter penalty as if it was my fault that the server kicked me and my entire party.

this is fustrating, when I just wanna play the game, and it blocks me for 240 minutes from playing because it is too stupid to realize that me, my team, and the enemy team did not disconnect on purpose!

I don't know where to take this, but I am really frustrated that I get blocked from playing a game that I love despite these kind of flaws


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 12, 2021 7:18am | Report
You could post this on the official Smite discord, under the bugs / support section


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Necrodrake0731 » April 12, 2021 2:20pm | Report
well, whatever the case, It was actually a 12 hour Deserter penalty, so nevermind, Guess I just wont play SMITE today, after kicking me from an ***ult game, they must really just not want people to play....


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Desireking » May 13, 2021 7:31pm | Report
i literally hust got the same thing i wasnt even able to play. i was trying to joing my first match of my day and got in a duel and during the god man fase then right when i was able to pick my god to play during the match i got kicked out and given a 720min deserter penalty also a 12 hour ban. this is ******** smite is the only game i play currently and im so close to having everything i have put so much time and money into this game that this actually fully pisses me off to a point of never playing it again. this is frusterating


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