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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 3 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆

SMITEFire Ironman 2021!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Ironman 2021! 211 posts - page 1 of 22
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » June 28, 2021 12:59am | Report

Welcome everyone to the first ever SMITEFire Ironman, our most ambitious community event! 🔥

For the next month all SMITE players will have the chance to test their gaming endurance and skills to compete for a prestigious award and the chance to win $1,000 USD cash! Don't feel intimidated and check out the details below!

Note: The Ironman has begun! Keep track of all the participants here and remember to join us on Discord!

Wait! Can Anyone Win The $1,000 USD Cash Prize?

That's right. Anyone that successfully completes the Ironman can be randomly drawn to win $1,000 USD! In addition, everyone will receive a prestigious award to display on their SMITEFire profiles and in our brand new Hall of Fame (work in progress). Show off your achievement to the world, you've earned it! 🏆

Cool! How Will The Ironman Work?

The Ironman will begin on the 5th of July and will end on the 1st of August.

Participants will have to win 1 match every weekday (Monday - Friday), meaning a total of 20 matches.

The weekends (Saturday - Sunday) can be used to recover up to 2 matches that were missed during their corresponding week.

Any game mode is eligible as long as we can track it via Match ID (bots, duels, custom matches and MOTD are also excluded).

Every week will have a different objective that participants must fulfill:
  • Week 1 (5th - 11th July) - Win as a different Greek God every day

  • Week 2 (12th - 18th July) - Win as a different Melee God every day using Stone Cutting Sword in every match

  • Week 3 (19th - 25th July) - Win as a different manaless champion every day

  • Week 4 (26th July - 1st August) - Win as a different God every day without getting killed in every match (0 deaths)

Sounds Good! How Will The Matches Be Tracked?

Participants will have to track the matches on their own. We will recommend different methods to do so, but everyone is free to track their matches in their own way, as long as it's easy for us to verify the matches every week.

Suggested methods of tracking your matches:

No matter what method you choose, you must reply to this thread with a link (in case of using Google Spreadsheets or other external websites) or with the matches directly (in case of using the BBCode template or forum tracking).

It's important to keep track of your matches correctly and make sure that we can easily verify every match with their corresponding day. We recommend filling in the Match ID as soon as the match is over to easily keep track and make sure that no day is missed.

The matches will be checked every Monday by the admins to make sure there are no mistakes and to inform participants if any changes must be made. To make both our lives and your experience better, please make sure that the 5 weekly matches will be ready to be verified every week on Monday!

❓❗ Remember ❗❓
Admins will always be available both on the forums and on Discord to help. Please don't hesitate to ask questions whenever anything is unclear, we know there's a lot to process and we want to make sure everyone has the chance to participate and enjoy the event!

Fine Print

  • Open to registered SMITEFire members only. Not a member? Register now!

  • Contest is worldwide.

  • Contest will be closed on August 1st, 2021 at 11:59pm PST.

  • Missing any required match will disqualify you from the Ironman event.

  • Using your main SMITE account is mandatory (smurfing is not allowed).

  • Your SMITE profile must be set to public so your matches can be verified.

  • Any game mode that can be tracked via Match ID is eligible (bots, duels, custom matches and MOTD are also excluded).

  • The cash prize can be claimed by bank transfer or in the form of Steam Wallets or Amazon Gift Cards.

Thank you everyone for taking part in our Ironman event and we're excited to hear your thoughts! 😊
<Community Manager>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BananaHammer33 » June 28, 2021 11:38am | Report
Very excited for this!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thanos799 » June 28, 2021 11:44am | Report

Good luck y'all


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MagneticExcalibur » June 28, 2021 11:48am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by zoeygh » June 28, 2021 11:48am | Report

Nice event, I admire the creativity for this!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DegenerateLex » June 28, 2021 11:51am | Report

We're boutta be gaming. 😳


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by VortexGodzzz » June 28, 2021 11:53am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stinkv2 » June 28, 2021 11:56am | Report

Can't wait for this


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ovisy_ » June 28, 2021 11:58am | Report this should be fun, good luck everyone


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiscoFerry » June 28, 2021 12:08pm | Report



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