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Old-new player

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Forum » New Player Help » Old-new player 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UnlikelyGod » January 12, 2018 8:10am | Report
Hey all
I have a question.
I downloaded the game just under a week ago and for the most part love it. I'm not new to gaming, far from it yet I have been fairly amazed at how toxic the in game community is. Like I said previously I'm not new to gaming and have seem plenty of toxicity from gaming communities over the years. WoW and Eve online for the pc and CoD on console has its fair share of spiteful little people hiding behind computers their parents bought for them, and there can sometimes be the vaguest whiff for understanding 'some' of the venom they spit. That said there was and is room for new players coming to the mix.
So far that is not the case in Smite. As a new player - a totally virgin player to this genre of game I've been met with nothing short of hostility. Players call for surrender the second a new player makes an error, constant in game spamming of chat if you put a foot wrong, messages following a defeat, heck I got spammed on psn messenger during the God picking process for making the choice of god I dare choose. I'm too old and have to much game time to be worried about it, it certainly wont stop me playing Smite and attempting to get better at it.
So my question is; what makes the Smite community so bitter towards new players?

That reminds me, I actually have another question; is there match making for versus games? So far it would seem not. I've had a couple of matches where the 'match up' seems accurate but the rest of the time I'm with a team that appears to be greatly out-skilled. I wondered if looks can be deceiving on the pre game screen, what with favour points or 'wins, kills and assists' being shown, however once the game gets underway it becomes real clear real fast that its a case of 'do judge the book by it's cover'!

I'm off to play another match


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » January 12, 2018 8:24am | Report
If I understood correctly, you are new to MOBAs, right? Well, MOBAs are widely considered the genre with the worst communities, in terms of toxicity. Maybe Call of Duty wins, but I don't play it tbh.

But don't worry, this site, for example, is almost completely toxicity-free. :)

About the matchmaking... Yeah. It gets better with time, but it's among Smite's biggest flaws (However, maybe it's going to change for the better now that we are going to enter a new season). It's still worth playing, tho. Don't give up!
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