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Anyone Who Can Explain Smite For Me?

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Forum » New Player Help » Anyone Who Can Explain Smite For Me? 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SmiteSmile101 » July 17, 2017 9:55pm | Report
Ok so look, I'm new to the 'gaming world'. I don't know any 'gamer' terms like "glass cannon", "tank" and etc...everytime someone said something like that I just think "what the hell are they talking about".It But anyways, the only reason I downloaded Smite (earlier this year, I know I'm late to the game) is because a friend recommended it, so I downloaded Smite to satisfy them. I realized I actually liked Smite but the thing was I was and still am completely *** at it. I was *** at Paragon when I first started, which was earlier this year, but now I'm doing very good on it. People always tell me that they think Paragon is harder than Smite, but to me Smite is harder than Paragon. Anyways getting back on topic, I just want someone to explain like all the characters, their weaknesses, their strengths, and etc... Most of all I need help BUILDING A DECK FOR THEM. I know some games the items can be completely useless, but I just need to know what items are good against who when I'm playing who and all that. (I mostly play Neith, Kali, and Amaterasu. I like playing Cernunnos sometimes.) Everytime I play with my one friend he always says, "You're build is complete trash. What are you doing?" I'm more of a verbal listener, I can't really learn when reading. So, I'm hoping anyone with a PlayStation that plays Smite can help explain EVERYTHING to me in a party. Sometimes I can be slow, so be patient though lol. I don't want this to be like a one time thing though, like I want you to freaking train me lol. If you don't have an playstation, and can't explain it to me with talking, then explain with words honestly idc. I just want to learn lol.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 17, 2017 10:31pm | Report
A someone who discovered the big learning curve of MOBAs.

first of I'm going to drop 2 useful guides from Bran here which could help you understand things in the game more.

Item discussion guide

conquest guide

these should help you get kickstarted into the game better. (there are guides for other modes too)

the thing of strength weaknesses and items is also something that becomes better after putting time into the game.

I don't know how you build atm maybe you could show it and people could help (with thought path is the best thing if you lay it down)

And because you learn better verbally probably watching some good smite youtubers could help you here too (someone else needs to recommend those because I don't watch smite on youtube)

hope some of this helped. if you have specific questions like terms feel free to ask.
(on the terms glas cannon is someone doing a lot of damage. However if they get caught they will die fast.
A tank is someone who builds a lot of health an protections so he can take a lot of damage and protect teammates.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jolly9919 » July 18, 2017 7:54am | Report
if you want to now the strength and the weaknesses of some god the Hi-Rez made a playlist of video in his youtube channel called "Know your enemy" where you can start learning more abount some gods.

I'll link you the neith one because you said that you like playing her
Know your enemy: Neith

When you learn why a god is strong you can spend some time trying to find some appropriate item to buy in game and also how you have to play against them.
The choose of item is very important in the game and also one of the most difficult thing (I think).
As Devampi said before you can watch some pro-player smite videos and look how they move in the map and with item they buy.
I suggest to Weak3n that made some other gods guide and dmbrandon which made some playlist of gameplay in the various roles (adc/hunter, support/guardian, mid/mage, solo/warrior, jungle/assasin)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SmiteSmile101 » July 18, 2017 11:00pm | Report
Thank you both, I will look on the resources and see where they take me.


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