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God Idea: Horkos, Punisher of Broken Oaths

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea: Horkos, Punisher of Broken Oaths 5 posts - page 1 of 1

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 23, 2017 9:26pm | Report
Pantheon: Greek

Class: Warrior

Appearance: Horkos appears as a large muscular demonic-looking figure (as he is a daemon in Greek mythology) with dark grey skin. His face would have two opaque black eyes, a somewhat crushed nose and a prominent underbite with protruding fangs (similar to an orc). His head would have long black hair and a long beard and two ram-like horns protruding from his head. He has a pair demonic tattered wings coming out of his back as well as clawed fingers and toes. His attire consists of a large piece of waist armor with the belt having a demonic skull design and large spiked pauldrons connected by chains. Most of his armor would be black or dark grey in color. His weapon would be an axe made primarily of bone, with the handle being made of a dark metal and having a demonic-skull design at the edge of the handle. When under the effect of Broken Oath mode, Horkos' eyes glow and turn bright orange as well as the eyes on the axe and belt. (In case you haven't notice the demon motif is quite common with him)

Passive: Broken Oath
When an allied god under the effect of Swear Oath dies, Horkos enters Broken oath mode gaining additional damage and effects on his abilities, but taking +20% extra damage from all sources. This resets upon returning to base via any method.

1: Swear Oath
Horkos makes an allied god swear an oath, granting him and the allied god increased Attack Power and Protections. If the allied god dies, Horkos enter Broken Oath mode and this ability becomes unavailable until he returns to normal mode.
Type: Buff
Attack Buff: +10/15/20/30/45 Physical Power
Protections Buff (this counts for both Physical and Magical): +10/15/20/25/35 Protections
Cost: 60 Mana
Cooldown: 11 Seconds (Normal), None (Broken Oath Mode)

2: Sunder
Horkos swings his axe down damaging enemy gods. Under the effects of Broken Oath mode, enemy gods are also Rooted.
Type: Line
Damage: 150(175)/200(225)/250(275)/300(325)/350(375) (+65% of your physical power)
Root Duration: 2 Seconds
Cost: 75 Mana
Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
Length: A little longer than ***bha's 2

3: Chains of Torment
Horkos launches a cone of chains in front of him, damaging enemy gods. Under the effects of Broken Oath mode Horkos drags enemy gods towards him.
Type: Cone
Damage: 100(110)/150(160)/200(210)/250(260)/300(310) (+50% of your physical power)
Cost: 95 Mana
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Size: Half the size of Susano's 2

4/Ult: Punishment
Horkos flies into the air, able to move at a reduced pace for a few seconds or until the left mouse button is clicked which will make Horkos descend and swing his axe damaging enemy gods. Under the effects of Broken Oath mode, enemy god are Stunned upon being struck.
Type: Leap
Damage: 300(350)/400(450)/500(550)/600(650)/700(750) (+80% of physical power)
Stun Duration: 2 Seconds
Movement speed is reduced by 75% during the flight duration.
Cost: 100 Mana
Cooldown: 125 seconds

Predicted Conquest Role: Duo or Solo

Voice: Deep and demonic with a definite growl

Taunts: "The Oath has been broken and now you will suffer!"
"You will scream for the mercy I will not deliver."
"I will make you BEG for death!"

Jokes: "Wait! Before we secure the oath, we must spit-shake."
"Not sure why some people associate me with green barbaric monsters."
"Does anyone here remember the Ancient Greek Bro-code? Anyone!?!"

Directed Taunts:
Zeus: "Not even you are free from punishment!"
Jing Wei: "You have broken your oath child, and for that you must be punished!"
Da Ji: "A pity, I liked her style."
Nemesis: "There's only room for one god of vengeance here!"
Zeus (Killed By): "Back to your room in Hades demon."
Da Ji (killed By): "Hmm, I'll have some fun with him later."

Intro Line: "They have broken their oaths, and for that there will be punishment!"
"They cannot escape the torture that is to come..."

Buying Offensive Item: "Now they will know pain."
"This will make them scream!"

Buying Defensive Item: "Do I really need this?"
"*sighs* I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

Death: "No, punishment has not yet been dealt upon them!"
"*roar that gradually fades away*"

Killstreak: "Another destined for torture."
"Soon the oathbreakers shall be gone."

Intro: Horkos steps out of a dark portal

Out-of-Battle Stance: Horkos stands fully upright and holds his axe in a single hand.

In-Battle Stance: Horkos hunches over and holds his axe in both hands.

Idle 1: Horkos briefly inspects his axe.

Idle 2: Horkos tightly clenches his left hand.

Idle 3: Horkos spins his axe around twice.

Taunt: Horkos slams the hilt of the axe on the ground then points at the enemy.

Backing: Horkos turns around to face the camera, leaps off the ground and flies away reappearing and landing at the base.

Wave: Normal wave

Clap: Normal clap

Dance: Cheesy Disco moves.

Furious: Horkos angrily clenches his left fist and then violently roars.

Victory Animation: Horkos stands with his foot on Denton who briefly struggles before gettign hit on the head with the hilt of Horkos' axe. Horkos then chuckles and looks around until Denton begins to struggle again.

Defeat Animation: Horkos sits looking upset whilst receiving a lecture from Nemesis on "How to be a Proper Vengeance God".

Notes and other stuff: I designed Horkos as essentially a god that can be played two ways. The non-Broken Oath mode gives both Horkos and an allied god of your choice buffed damage and defense and doesn't cause Horkos to take extra damage. On the flipside, Broken Oath mode grants Horkos extra effects on his abilities and increased damage at the cost of taking more damage.

For the sake of convenience, those who don't wish to provide extensive critiquing can simply answer a poll on what you think of this god idea. Extensive critiquing is still fine though and encouraged to help me improve :)


Notable (2)
Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 24, 2017 5:15am | Report
Small edit adding the Animation section.


Notable (2)
Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 26, 2017 1:59am | Report
The crickets are still unimpressed.


Notable (2)
Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » June 26, 2017 3:49am | Report
Nice concept, but isn't his ultimate Thanatos' but without the execute?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGraveKnight » June 26, 2017 3:56am | Report
That's something I was kinda worried about but to be honest it's kinda hard to come up with something completely original (Smite itself is guilty of reusing abilities a bit) and at first he was going to be able to do it twice but I figured that was a little broken. Personally I imagined as being more like an Ult version of Hou Yi's Dive Bomb and being much more of a wide sweeping swing rather than a circle of damage.


Notable (2)
Posts: 24

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