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God Idea- Erebus, The Primordial Night

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea- Erebus, The Primordial Night 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by A Great Baggi » April 22, 2017 10:52pm | Report
The kit I’m suggesting for Erebus would probably work best as a warrior. All about getting in close with a good dash and a few aoe abilities around himself, good defense and single target damage. Anything is open to criticism. Especially names. I could also use help with things like range, speed and mana cost, if anyone would like to oblige.


Grip of the Night- One of two possibilities. Or both, if Anubis can have two passive, so can other gods. First suggestion is a 15% slow on all of his basic attacks. Second is a stack system similar to Odin’s; for every kill Erebus gets, he gets a stack on his passive (max. 10) and gains 5 protections per stack. And since I don't know where to put this, I'll put it here. The first two basics of his four hit chain are cleaves.


Umbric Rush- Erebus rushes forward, passing through minions and allies and stopping at the first God hit, or at max range. Upon contact, Erebus lifts them into the air and crashes them into the ground, rooting and crippling them.
Damage- 90/130/170/230/290 ( +55% of your Physical Power)
CC Duration-.5s/.5s/1.5s/1.5s/2.5s
Cooldown- 12s at all ranks

Mantle of Night- Erebus enters a shadow state, gaining damage absorption and movement speed for 5 seconds. When the duration is up, the damage Erebus absorbed is dealt as an aoe explosion around him, and he is healed.
Damage- 20/20/50/50/100 ( +30% of your Physical Power)
Damage Absorbtion-30% at all ranks
Movement Speed-10%
Heal- 70% of damage dealt
Cooldown- 15s at all ranks

Hungering Shadows- Erebus channels darkness around him in a small aoe, silencing and debuffing enemy gods in its grasp.
Duration-7s and all ranks
Protection Debuff- 10%/15%/20%/25%/30%
Cooldown-13s at all ranks

True Darkness- Erebus unfurls his cape and sends an aoe line in front of him, fearing and rooting all enemy gods hit. He then rushes forward, carrying all targets with him. Targets are deposited directly in front of Erebus after the dash.
Damage-100/150/200/250/450 (+80% of you Physical Power)
CC Duration-4s at all ranks (Dash occurs 2s after the ability is cast.

I would appreciate any criticism.

A Great Baggi

Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sodsboy » April 26, 2017 2:42am | Report
2.5 Seconds for a root and cripple? Damn son, that's pretty nasty. Let alone the fact you added a knock-up effect to the ability. Also debuffing people's protections by percent is never a really good idea...If we take a look at the new god Ganesha we see that it's flat protection debuff, same with Guan Yu and a few others with protection stealing.

I suppose the cooldown of the ult is probably 90 seconds? I mean personally It just looks like a fancy version of Driving Strike that probably has a wider line shot? That's another thing, you haven't put a radius in for his 2 and 3. It'd probably be maybe a Conviction sized aoe but could be smaller.

Damage numbers look alright for what it is and I kinda like how if you use your 2 you're sorta getting confirmed damage even if nobody shoots you for it to add to the damage.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by A Great Baggi » April 26, 2017 6:23pm | Report
Thank you for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated. As for what you've brought forth. I hadn't thought of everything for him, particularly range. Like I said, I'm not very versed on the measurement used in smite. As for the range on his 2 and 3, i was thinking that his 2 was just a bit longer than melee range, and the 3 maybe a bit smaller than a Nox silence, or maybe slightly bigger since it does no damage.

Range on the ult, however, Certainly longer than Driving Strike. For width, however, I want to say about half the width of say, solo lane? I'm not sure how wide that is. I admit that this is my first time really proposing a god, so I;m relatively unversed in the more nuanced aspects of it, which is why I'm asking for help.

And do you think that 2.5s is too much for what it does? Should I lower it and maybe make it not scale with the ability level?

A Great Baggi

Posts: 2

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