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Discord, Avatar of Chaos (Sustained Damage Mage)

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Discord, Avatar of Chaos (Sustained Damage Mage) 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 7, 2014 1:31am | Report
This is a quick sketch of an idea I had, I'll pretty up this post later.

Passive: Schadenfreude: Whenever an enemy is affected by one of his debuffs, Discord regenerates 1% of his maximum health and mana for each enemy hit.

1: Corruption: Discord corrupts a group of enemies (15-foot cone). Minions instantly change sides permanently, and enemies take 100/140/180/220/260 damage (+50% of your magical power) and have their power reduced by 10/20/30/40/50 for 3 seconds.

When used within or on enemies inside Discombobulation, Discord gains 20/40/60/80/100 health (+20% of your magical power) for each enemy affected.

Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds.

2: Discombobulate: Discord transforms the world, turning a 30-foot radius circle into his own domain. Discord gains 20% bonus power while in this zone, and enemies have their defenses reduced by 20%. The area lasts 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

3: Entrophy Bolt: Discord infuses an enemy with the essence of chaos (linear skillshot, like [[squall), dealing 30/60/90/120/150 damage (+40% of your magical power), slowing him by 10-30/35/40/45/50% for three seconds and applying the slow effect to all enemies within 15 feet of the target hit. If only one enemy is hit, the effect deals 60/120/180/240/300 damage (+80% of your magical power). Discord gains a speed buff equal to the slow applied.

When used within or on enemies inside Discombobulation, it deals full damage on the first target hit, and half damage on the splash.

Cooldown: 5 seconds.

4: Anarchy: Discord briefly transforms into his true form, sowing chaos in an aura. Enemies within 55 feet take 10/20/30/40/50 damage (+10% of your magical power) every 0.5 seconds for five seconds and become intoxicated for the duration. Discord can end the effect early by pressing 4, taunting enemies toward him for half the remaining duration. Discord can still cast during the duration.

Cooldown: 90 seconds.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » March 7, 2014 12:36pm | Report
Discord wins lane.
His 1 causes him to be completely un-pushable.
Think about it, every single wave your enemy has 7 minions by default. You could probably reach most of their minions, so it would be around 13-1 minions every wave early game. He'd be like Ao Kuang but better.
Also, they could take your Phoenixes and you wouldn't care. Fire minions? Lol, those are mine too.
He also has a huge amount of CC for a "sustained damage mage"
A taunt, an intoxicate and AOE 3 second 50% slow is pretty ridiculous.
He's got a lot of sustain, too.
I like the idea but It could use some tweaking.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by muas » March 7, 2014 1:01pm | Report
Sloogz wrote:

Discord wins lane.
His 1 causes him to be completely un-pushable.
Think about it, every single wave your enemy has 7 minions by default. You could probably reach most of their minions, so it would be around 13-1 minions every wave early game. He'd be like Ao Kuang but better.
Also, they could take your Phoenixes and you wouldn't care. Fire minions? Lol, those are mine too.
He also has a huge amount of CC for a "sustained damage mage"
A taunt, an intoxicate and AOE 3 second 50% slow is pretty ridiculous.
He's got a lot of sustain, too.
I like the idea but It could use some tweaking.

His 1 wont give him money since he doesnt kill them meaning he would get no gold and the enemy double the gold/exp un-pushable but useless.

His 2 seems okay kinda like He Bo 's 2 but with dmg, could use a slight nerf more like 15% more power and 10% less protections.

His 3 can deal alot of damage (lets say he has around 450 mag power that means he could do 330 dmg as AOE or 660 to a single person) every 5 seconds, or 3 with full CDR which isnt rare on a mage.

His ult is like Kali, Bacchus and Athena at once which is kinda strong but: maybe changing the intoxicate to like Hun Batz 's ult so that when u leave the area you stay intoxicated for 0,5 seconds. BTW (lets say he still has that 450 magical power this will do a total of 900 dmg which seems fine)

overall he doesnt seem that viable since he only has his 3 for actual wave clear for exp.
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