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Your worst KD from a win.

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Forum » General Discussion » Your worst KD from a win. 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » November 17, 2013 7:50pm | Report
I got this idea after i carried my team in a 5v4 (WE WERE THE 5) with a 36/54 team KD. The enemy played admirably, but my team was SO bad... I was the only one positive!
stats from that game

Anyway, what do you guys remember as your worst KD you got from a win?
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ragingstorm » November 17, 2013 7:54pm | Report

Though, by all means, this was one of the few times in which we did actually make a comeback, all the other games I lost.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by noctuum » November 18, 2013 12:54pm | Report
I went 2-10-4 once as loki in a conquest match, but luckily I got carried by a fed Anhurand we won the match at around 30 minutes by surrender. I apologized to my team of course, I played like **** haha
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Silv3rX » November 18, 2013 1:08pm | Report
Sirsir94 wrote:

Jarvan 2/8/22 (jungler, so not bad at all)
Shyvana 9/10/21 (jungler, so pretty good)

I am maining jungle in League and consider myself to have at least some sense of when feeding begins. A jungler should never have more than 3 deaths in a game, even tho they seem to assist their team, with all of those assists they also fed the opp. team to a maximum which is not acceptable.
Shyvana is considered as kind of a carry in the jungle since her ganks post 6 are uber strong and totally wreck the enemys and Jarvan is just the best jungler in the game right now, if he ganks you gotta burn flash or you are dead, due to his E-Q-R combo, which is demolishing.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » November 18, 2013 3:49pm | Report
Saying someone should only have 3 deaths is a bit, well, dumb. This wasn't a ranked, it was norms (although I can imagine their raging if this had happened in a ranked ^-^), and most junglers tend more towards the feed-my-teammates kind. Obviously there are exceptions, Eve, Fid, etc, although I didn't know Shyv fell into that category.
Not saying they weren't feeding, just that they were pulling their weight. Their KD doesn't do justice to their presence in teamfights.
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