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Xbalanque best solo carry nuff said.

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Forum » General Discussion » Xbalanque best solo carry nuff said. 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 31, 2013 9:35am | Report
I recall someone in a thread saying you can never win a 1v2 because it doesn't make sense even though I alway ssay you can win if they make mistakes.

Anyways, Okay I already won two 1v2's. Now if that wasn't bad enough.

I was mad they nerfed Xbalanque so I was playing him to see if he feels any different.

Well what do you know!!! Fenrir on my team wants to jungle and I offer to mid as Xbalanque!

Yes even after the nerf I felt like soloing with him.

Guess who I was facing??

I was facing Hercules and Chang'e.
Guess what happened?

I defended my tower and I destroyed their tower 1v2. Yes again they doubt my AOE range and damage and I out play a 2v1 for the THIRD TIME AS XBALANQUE.

I'm saying this on record, I currently think Xbalanque is the best carry to solo EVEN WITH HIS NERF. He may not have sustain but you can't get hit so you might as well say you don't even need it.

He has to be the best solo carry. His AOE hits all minions and both gods you are soloing against.

Also I did something different this time around!!! Since I was facing a hard lane I figured I would skip my ultimate since It makes little difference and just rank up my 3 some more.

SO ON RECORD I HAVE WON THREE 1v2's without losing my tower. THats on record.
So saying it isn't possible well cough cough I just did it three times so it has to be possible.

________________________________________________________________________________________He may have got nerfed but he still can damage multiple gods well and harass. The only thing I noticed is I'm not getting those early quick kills but they survive now by a tiny bit of HP. Oh well guess it makes it more fair.


Anyone interested can test this out for themselfs.

Join a conquest match and ask if you can solo, select Xbalanque and solo.

Get your 2 first, start off with boots and deaths toll for sustain, get a mana and health pot.

At level 1 get darts
At level 2 get your rising jaguar

From there on out just upgrade rising jaguar and darts
then get your ult then go back to darts and rising jaguar, stop upgrading ult and get branching bolas when you max out darts and rising jaguar.

Okay but all your doing is this.

angle your 2 to where the right side is aiming at the end of the minions or closer to your enemy god, the reason is the right side of the darts hit first. Use your 3 to put them in the circle then just jump right back to your minions safe.

Repeat the process until they are on low hp.

From there they will expect you to use your 2 first. You can now use your 3 to get up close and I mean VERY CLOSE which you can then use your 2 to get 3 darts on a god since you are so close.

The most important thing is stopping their farm which is easy with your AOE.

You simply stand right besides the archer minions and attack them from the side. This way they cannot even attack your minions because you have so much range on your 2 and 3 and since you are side ways your darts can hit them.

It basically stops them from ever getting to your tower.

If they ever get to your tower use your 3 first then your 2 not the other way around. Only if they have a full minon wave. The reason is the minions will block your darts.


So IMO Xbalanque is the best carry solo. You can try him out for yourself and see what you think.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 31, 2013 9:43am | Report
I fully agree xbal is awesome and will start playing him again when im back from holiday and maybe later I will try your solo I guide BUT until I have seen it with my eye's I disagree with him being the best solo Carry, but maybe will change my mind will see.

Any way im happy that your having fun with him, try xbal Bacchus combo because his ult will make the enemy unable to stop moving while there in xbal's ult.
I have seen it done once in arena and the Guy scored 2 penta's... No joke 2 penta's with just that combo.

On a Side note when I typed holiday on my Phone the spelling controle suggested holocaust in stead... Now im scarred and dumbfounded-_-.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » July 31, 2013 10:55am | Report
haha never thought of the bahccus xbl ult


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 31, 2013 12:43pm | Report
Interesting story, ICEN. Perhaps I'll start to play more Xbalanque, as I love to solo lane right now.

Oh, and I think Xbalanque can escape from ganks of the enemies' jungler without problems with his Rising Jaguar and his ultimate.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » July 31, 2013 5:39pm | Report
I love when people try to combo off Bacchus's ult and I just cleanse the whole team from their drunken stupor. They all just stop moving and look like they're thinking "wtf..."

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 1, 2013 3:16am | Report
Dark Jaw wrote:

Interesting story, ICEN. Perhaps I'll start to play more Xbalanque, as I love to solo lane right now.

Oh, and I think Xbalanque can escape from ganks of the enemies' jungler without problems with his Rising Jaguar and his ultimate.
Ya his ult stops alot of ganks.

That match I had a freya jungler who tried to gank me once in that match, I used my Ult as soon as I seen her coming from the side of their blue buff. She pretty much just stood still because she new she would get stunned if she moved.

Its so funny, its such a waste to gank xbalanaque if he has his ult.

I have a very bad habit of using his ult at bad times. For some reason I just feel as if oh my ult is up I need to use it as soon as possible. I've noticed that when I pop it I usually never get kills or my team never really gets kills besides a few times when I see they are chasing someone and I use it.

I think now I will just keep my ult for two things. I'm going to keep it incase I get jumped on or I will use it when someone is on very low hp. Because any other time I use it its not as beneficial. SOmetimes you get those team mates that don't even attack when you ult so its much better I think to keep it for myself.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 1, 2013 3:18am | Report

I love when people try to combo off Bacchus's ult and I just cleanse the whole team from their drunken stupor. They all just stop moving and look like they're thinking "wtf..."
Ya actually I found that out a few days ago. I never knew that bacchus's ult forces you to move. I always knew it made you walk funny but I never knew it actually forced you to move. I found that out because I was standing still and I seen my god still moving and I said wtf it makes me move even when I try to stand still.

So ya that baccus ult combo with xbl ult is a good idea I would never have thought of.


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