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First time playing Cabraken in League 100% win

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Forum » General Discussion » First time playing Cabraken in League 100% win 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 18, 2014 4:05pm | Report
So I decided Cabrakan should get some shine in League, because I recently been wrecking with him, I ****ed his stats up when he first came out because I did not know how to play him, but now every game I been taking dumps on people with him.

I do not play him In Support lane because he is weak in support lane unless you are going against a garbage pick that you can face off against. I take him to Solo lane, the only time I play him in Support lane is if the other team has a dumb pick or I'm in Normal Que.

Ra is a Top Pick ban worth God, yet I wrecked him with Cabrakan in solo although he is annoying as ****.

Basically how it works is, Cabrakan is top tier in solo but low tier in support.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » October 18, 2014 5:33pm | Report
His Tremors provide such great peel omghee.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KingLion » October 18, 2014 5:40pm | Report
Could you tell what was your build? I think Cabrakan has a lot of potential. Gem of Isolation is really cool on him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 18, 2014 7:17pm | Report
KingLion wrote:

Could you tell what was your build? I think Cabrakan has a lot of potential. Gem of Isolation is really cool on him.
What you do is this.

You go for cooldown boots, then go strait into Ethereal Staff

Once you get the staff you clear pretty easy and deal a lot of damage as well as are a bit tankier to the point nobody can actually 1v1 kill you without you making a mistake.

What I mean is that, people like Baksaura can kill you but ONLY if you do not stop him from killing you, basically Cabrakan can stop anyone from killing him in a strait up 1v1. Its just hard to get people off of you if you are getting jumped by 4 people..

If you want to know how to start you can start a few differ ways.
You can start with Rank 2 Magic Boots, get HOG and buy 2 mana and 2 hp pots.
Or you can buy Vampiric shroud , Rank 1 Shoes, 2 mana and 2 hp pots.

Those are pretty much the two starts you can do.

In terms of the build I do this

- Cooldown Boots (Because with Cab you already have high base damage and your escape is on a longer 18 second cool down, plus you need to have your 1 up more often to get kills and get away)

- Ethereal Staff (It will convert your health to power while giving you more health, basically, its more of a item that gives tanky Gods more power, other Gods with less health don't benefit, once you get this you should be almost unkillable 1v1 while able to clear waves easy with your 2)

Those are the main two items you want. After that I normally go into a defensive item like WitchBlade, mainly because of the passive, it helps your entire team, all those annoying *** Baksuras will not be able to auto attack you as fast, and since you have more movement speed you can catch up to people really quick with your 1 and it gives you attack speed which actually makes your 1 easier to hit. Most of the time I seem to go into this item next, unless the other team is so bad I will just buy another magical item for more power, but if you don't want to die I suggest picking up a defense item next.

If you wanted magical protections instead I would probably get Void STone because not only would you get a bit of magical protections and power but you would make up for the penetration on your boots.

So far,
- Cooldown BOots
- STaff
3rd item = Either Witchblade/Void Stone (If they suck though you can just buy another MP item)

The next 3 items are kind of up to you, it depends if they are giving you trouble or not.
If they are giving you trouble really bad then go into a big defense item like Bulwark or a heavy physical item.

If they are only slightly giving you a problem then go into Gem of Isolation because it gives you a bit of health, which will be converted by the staff into more power and you get the annoying *** passive from Gem.

Gem is a good item on Cab, but I don't pick it up until 3-4th item if I ever do get it.

Your last two items should again be depending on what your team needs, if you are taking too much damage buy a bruiser item if you are not buy magical power or penetration.

If I HAD to tell you a build that would win most games I would the first 3 items almost always look like this

- Cooldown boots
- Staff
- Witchblade

Its only after the 3rd item you have to see if you need more magical power, more defense or do you need a mix.

If you need more defense go into a heavy defense item
If you need a mix go into void stone or Dynasty plate helm
For just strait up power I would probably get Spear of the Magus

After that 4th item you either go into what you want basically... I would probably go into a heavy magical or defense item next. Either something like Soul Reaver or Bulwark .

Gem of Isolation is very good, but those other 2 items DEF should come first, I would actually say those 3 items I listed should come before gem but really if you don't need the 3rd item that much you can go strait into gem.

*How to Level Cabrakan*

You want to start off with Cabrakan's 1...
Yes his 1...

If you are wondering why its because his 1 has the highest early game base damage of both his 2 and 3. The reason you start off with a point into his 1 is because it gets you early kills. If you have to escape from a invade you can, if you want to invade you can stun them, also the reason you start off with the 1 is because when you start at like speed camp and blue camp, the 1 does more damage then the 2 at the beginning of the game.

Once you and your jungler takes speed and blue camp you will then turn level 2.

Now you can pick up your 2.

So basically
1st level = level up 1
2nd level = level up 2.
3rd level = Level up 2 again
4th level = level up 3.
From there you level up your 2, then your 3 then your 1. Of course you put a point into your ult when you can.

Your 2 actually clears the archer minions very easy after a few levels, and it makes you tanky as hell to where nobody can kill you 1v1 because they are stacking your protections.

What I do is this, turn side ways, hit the entire wave with your 2, if you can't hit the entire wave just go 2 the archers and they will die in once hit. Then you only have to kill the melee minions.

Also, Cabrakak is strong as **** early game, if they are standing close enough for you to rush them with 1, do it, literally. The reason is this, you rush them with 1 so they can't our run you, while you hit them they lose a big chunk of heath and get stunned, then the minions will start attacking you which builds up your shield from your 2, then you use your 2 and you will stun them AGAIN and take another chunk of their HP away, from there you can either run back and repeat or continue trying to chase the kill.

The point of doing that is, they take a **** load of damage from you, while you only take a bit of damage from the minions. Only use your 3 to clear the wave if you need to out clear them or the entire minion wave is not close enough to hit with your 2..

Basically Cabrakan can ****ing burst someone pretty fast when built with magic power because of his high base damage. Your 1 + 2 Combo literally double stuns them and does most of their health so you can just ult them or 3 them after they get hit.

Once you gain some levels you can usually stand where the archer minions are and stop them from clearing your wave because they will be afraid of you by then and they can't kill you.

*The reason why you are unkillable 1v1*

Is because your 2 stun, any God attacking you literally builds your more protections and gains you your stun on your 2, Gods like Fenrir can literally be stopped just by turning around and 2ing them.... basically the more damage they do to you the sooner you can stun them off of you then run away.....

Cabrakan is strong as hell when built for solo and played in solo, he is actually probably top tier although people do not realize it yet.

Cabrakan however sucks as support, any time I played him in Support that is when I go neg with him, he just doesn't do well compared to the other guardians that can support, he can do well I am just saying he is not the best pick and not high tier when it comes to support, people would probably think he looks UP in support, well he kind of is UP in terms of a support.

But that's why he is so much better in Solo or even Mid, I beat a POS mid lane today with cab.

- I beat Ra in solo in league
- I beat a Pos in mid lane

SO yea, you can beat pretty much any God 1v1 although some match ups are hard as ****.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 18, 2014 7:24pm | Report
By the way, only level up your 1 first if you are playing Solo or Support.

If you are going mid level your 2 up first because you don't gain 2 levels before you go into lane..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KingLion » October 20, 2014 6:01pm | Report
ICEN wrote:

What you do is this.

You go for cooldown boots, then go strait into Ethereal Staff


Wow if you put a few more things and organize some stuff this could very well be a guide IMO.

I'm definetely gonna give Cabrakan another try this time as a solo laner( tried him as Guardian but didnt really work out). Thanks a lot ICEN!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » October 20, 2014 8:18pm | Report
KingLion wrote:

Wow if you put a few more things and organize some stuff this could very well be a guide IMO.

I'm definetely gonna give Cabrakan another try this time as a solo laner( tried him as Guardian but didnt really work out). Thanks a lot ICEN!
I still need a bit more games before I could make a guide on him..

Yea, don't play him as support unless your just doing it for fun.

Almost every time I played him in support I went negative :(

I think the reason he sucks in support is a few obvious things.

Lets say it is Cabrakan/Rama Vs Geb/Apollo

Cabraken does have good damage, but the problem is in support you usually build for support items or go more tanky, thus your damage is not as good as it could be and on top of this as Cabrakan your damage is easy to see coming. Apollo and Geb will see you trying to run after them they will just back off.

The problem isn't really that though, the problem is both his range and his peel, peel means how well a God can get a attacking God off of your team mate, like Athena can just taunt you off of her team mate.

Cabrakan in order to stop someone from attacking has to first get in close range, meaning he has to put himself in danger from damage, and on top of this its kind of obvious when you see him running towards you that he wants to attack...

But even if you do manage to land your stun that is all you really have, and Geb can just shield his team mate out of your stun because Geb's shield is op like that XD, so not only will Geb cleanse his own team mate out of your stun but he will shield him from damage too...

Also with Cabrakan's 3 which is his tremors, it screws up the aim of the enemy attacker BUT the enemy can still attack while in the 3 unlike when someone gets frozen by Ymir they can't do anything...

The main problem is first you will fall behind because your playing a support, second you are close range, third you have to build items that you don't really want as Cabrakan just because your support, forth you lose damage buy building full support, fifth other supports are just better....

As solo lane though Cab is pretty good and will win a lot of match ups.

Because in Solo lane you can build damage/Health thus you can get easy kills, plus all the farm is going to you so you will not fall behind like you would in support. Cab is stronger late game so the faster you get there with your items and xp the better.

Yea, every time I play Cab as support I don't do as well as I wished I can, I was thinking its maybe my mistakes but the reality is he just is not that great when forced to build how your team wants him to be build XD


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