May 26, 2015

Smite is Broken in a Bad Way

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Everything in Smite is ******** broken. Everything about it had taken a nose dive into **** and I'm not sure if I want to keep playing anymore.
The gods in the game are so unbalanced ether they are over-powered as hell to the point if you have that god on your team you have win condition and there's nothing to stop them or so under-powered that they fell out of existence and no one will ever play them again because they suck so much. There are five gods in the S+ tier and 3 gods in the C teetering on D tier for how badly they are balanced. I have been saying this over and over again, but Hi-Rez seriously need to have their balancing team get their act together or get fired and replaced with people who know what they are doing. Another thing that is completely broken is the matchmaking system. I have a problem with this as you will get bad teammates or the worst, extremely good enemies and you won't know it until it's too late. If Hi-Rez implemented a system or a thing that tells you specifically if your team have a good score or that the enemy team is better then your team can handle. I can't tell you how many times this happened and it damages the game to no end. After all that's said and done, there needs to be some serious changes to Smite and fast because it's utterly and unbelievably broken.
I wish Smite was better than this, but ever since Season 2 started this game has hit an all time low and it's seriously hurting the game and the players who use to like this game.