September 22, 2016

God Concept: Heimdallr

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Name: Heimdallr
Title:Sentinel God of Light and Security
Class: Guardian
Type: Ranged, Magical
Pantheon: Norse


Health: 440 (+90)
Mana: 200 (+20)
Movement Speed: 380 (+0)
Range: 55 (+0)
Attack Speed: 1 (+0.9)
Basic Attack Damage: 44 ((+2)
+25% of Magical Power)
Physical Protection: 15 (+4)
Magical Protection: 28 (+8)
HP5 (+1)
MP5 (+.8)


The watchman of the Gods, Heimdallr is the strong silent type and guards Bifrost, the gateway to Asgard. He can see for a hundred leagues night or day, and can hear the grass growing. Heimdallr is the watchman who waits for the day of Ragnarok. On this day When Ragnarok arrives, he’ll blow the most amazing note from his Gjallar and the last battle will commence. Although he seems to be a stationary god, he is known to leave his post under the name Rig and go on adventures. The most famous time was when he left, in search of Freya's Brísingamen. Not soon after he found out that Loki (No surprise their) had stolen it and took the …
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