December 25, 2013
+Rep | Report
 |  Bakasura  |  Jungle  |  Smite
Bakasura in the Jungle is a monster. Period.

Nothing seems to be able to touch him at any time and his DPS just snowballs out of control until he can walk up to your tank, hit him 5 times in 1.5 seconds (Fatalis to OP, Nerf INC), and then skip-a-doodle-do to the jungle where he literally two shots just about everything.

His early game in the jungle is made much easier by the fact that his 2 (Devour) can eat any small minion right from the get-go. He can basically lock down an enemies jungle by invading their movement buff (assuming that the enemy jungler is preoccupied), and then just walking away in under 30 seconds.

His mid-game is basically gank city, with nothing but death and destruction in his wake. Hit his jump. Pop his 3. Point in the general direction of your enemies. Hold down left click. Get kills. He is just ridiculous. And his ult, oh his ult is basically the greatest thing ever. Wanna tower dive? Ult. Wanna push a wave? Ult. Wanna initiate a team fight? Ult. He is just…
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