September 26, 2014


Views: 1066 Greenevers
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username  |  change  |  chang'e  |  greenevers  |  to  |  greenp5  |  to  |  lel
A straightforward blog I'm typing up here. Basically what happened is that I changed my username from "Greenevers" to "GreenP5". Why?

1. Green"evers" sounds kinda weird.
2. P5 is from MP5/HP5.
3. Sounds kinda cool.

What I want to ask you is do you like the name change? Do you like it so much I should make a new account and leave this one behind (lel no)? Should I try and change my other gaming accounts/profiles/e-mails? Overall what ya'll think.

I'm thinking I'll keep this forum acc the same unless an admin can magically change it and make my further gaming accounts GreenP5.