November 01, 2014

Camazotz, god of bats

Views: 906 Crazy kill
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god idea
Camazotz would be a melee, physical assassin. If he is ever in the game I hope they make him a complete bat monster because my skills would look weird if he was a humanoid bat.

Passive: Vampiric Presence- Camazotz always has some life steal, but when enemies are around, he steals a percentage of their life steal, magical or physical. (if it is magical, then it will convert to be physical life steal) Base life steal: 10% Percentage stolen: 15%

Ability 1: Echolocation- Camazotz screams a mighty scream and silences everyone in the cone in front of him and reveals enemies for 4 seconds. If he is sleeping, he screams louder and reveals enemies in a wider cone. The cone width normally is very narrow (it goes as far as arachnes pull but is very narrow) but during sleep the cone is 50% wider. Silence- 0.25/0.5/0.75/1/1.5 Damage-XX+(X% of physical power) Cooldown- 15/14/13/12/11

Ability 2: Bat Attack: Camazotz selects an area for a bat to dive to. (targeter like Ullr's 3) and if he hits an e…
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