Speed: 350
Health: 430 (+73 / 1920)
Hp5: 6.4 (+0.53 / 17)
Mana: 250 (+38 / 1020)
Mp5: 4.3 (0.36 / 11.5)
Attack Speed: 0.91 (+0.013 / 1.17)
Physical Protection: 14 (+2.9 / 72)
Magical Protection: 30 (+2.9 / 48)
Basic Damage: 36 (+2.3 / 82)

Passive: Blinding Fog:
Averaderaaz is constantly shrouded in mist. Enemies within 30 units of him have their vision reduced. Basic attacks on enemy gods within the mist will increase Averaderaaz's movement speed (duration refreshes upon proccing). Vision decrease: 40% (things are 40% cloudier, I guess) Movement speed: 5% per stack for 1.5s Maximum stacks: 3 |
1: Bolt of Darkness:
Averaderaaz shoots a bolt of energy that explodes upon hitting a target, damaging and slowing any enemies within range. This slow is unaffected by diminishing returns, but will apply towards it. Casting Time: 0.25s. Ability Type: Projectile Range: 55 units. Speed: Same as ![]() Damage: 80/140/200/260/320 (+80% of your physical power) Slow: 33% for 2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8/3s Radius: 13 units Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Cooldown: 12s |
2: Condense:
Averaderaaz gathers the fog into a sphere and teleports it toward an area, damaging and silencing any enemies hit. His passive will anchor itself around the area for a short time, having an increased range of 55 units. After the duration ends, the passive will return to its original state. Casting Time: 0.4s Ability Type: Ground Target Range: 55 units. Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% of your physical power) Silence: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s Anchor duration: 2/2.5/3/3.5/4s Radius: 18 units. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Cooldown: 15s |
3: Black Nimbus:
Averaderaaz summons a black nimbus that carries him around, giving him movement speed. He can auto-attack while on the nimbus, and will only suffer 50% of the auto-attack penalty, but cannot cast abilities. Auto-attacking enemies while on the cloud will slow enemies instead of increasing his movement speed (this applies outside the passive as well). Averaderaaz can cancel this ability at any time. Casting Time: Instant Movement speed: 14/16/18/20/22% for 5s. Slow per stack: 4/5/6/7/8% for 1.5s (duration refreshes) Maximum stacks: 3 Cost: 80 Cooldown: 15s |
4: Ascent of the Mist Demon:
Averaderaaz covers the map in mist, giving all enemy gods limited vision, and flies into the air. While in the air, Averaderaaz may fire one auto-attack with a ten unit radius per second, dealing a percentage of the damage of his normal shots. Averaderaaz can cancel this ability at any time (he will land straight down or to the closest valid landing area). Casting Time: Same as ![]() Range: Same as ![]() Movement speed: 120% Damage: 20/30/40/50/60% of his basic attack damage (on-hit affects will apply, but will not be reduced) Duration: 5s Height: Slightly higher than ![]() Cost: 120 Cooldown: 90s |
As for helping you, well, I'm not the best teacher. I'd say one of the more important things is focusing on a role. It has to offer something that another god doesn't already offer. The other things are cohesiveness and balance. I'm sure you understand balance already. As for cohesiveness, the kit has to work together. You can't just make a god with a silence, an intoxicate, a non-ultimate revive, and a random teleportation ability all in one. It has to make sense.
You should probably ask Subzero about this stuff, he's much better at explaining things than I am!
I'm new to the aspect of creating gods, which is what brought me here. I'm no expert like Subzero is, but I'd like to interject that Condense seems like a sweet ability. His kit is pretty cool, honestly. On first glance, Black Nimbus seems really strong, because it isn't a dash, but a flat movement speed increase that decreases the movement debuff, and allows you to attack; however, I can see it as close to Artemis' 2 and Sol's 3, which seem fair enough. I'd play the **** of this dude, probably. His ult seems like a weaker version of Rama's ult, but the more I think of it, the more I like it. Can these basics from his ultimate crit? It seems really strong in a team fight/FG steal. I do feel like the anchoring of his passive mist stuff from Condense is really long. Personally, I'd go 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4/2.7, or even lower. A 4s lifespan gives you the ability to use Black nimbus, move in, and destroy an AP mage while they're 'blinded'/silenced, assuming you built the typical ADC build. (I'm aware Xbal's ult exists, but !. It doesn't do damage. 2. it doesn't silence enemies. 3. It is an ULT.) Condense is amazing, but may need to be tweaked in regards to the time lengths. The slow on Bolt of Darkness is entirely too long. Sol's slow on her 2 is 2s flat, which is more than enough for an ADC to take advantage of. Yours lasts 3s at max rank, and is really strong. I suggest either a flat 2s, or 1.7/1.9/2.1/2.3/2.5, but other than that I really dig Averaderaaz!
Also, off topic, but how would you help someone who is going about trying to create a god? I'm trying to model Kratos into a Smite god, just for practice, not anything real due to copyrights, etc.
Plus, the "semi blind" and "totally blind" numbers seem arbitrary.
As a constant effect, it's one of those things that is either incredibly weak or incredibly broken - either it barely hampers the enemy's vision (or the reduction isn't very useful) or it makes it virtually impossible to hit anything at range.
This, by extension, applies to the rest of his abilities, especially Mist Form.
If it doubled the effect (increasing it by 40%), that's 80% vision reduction to all enemies within a 55 foot area.
Mist Form and Black Nimbus seem to be two different versions of the same ability - jump up, gain move speed.
Lastly, his ult at max rank seems to be a bit overpowered, in my opinion. You'd build pure power and then snipe at enemies with AoE autos which completely out of reach. Also, if it ends or is canceled, you'd land straight down, right?
Principle of Good Design #0: Stealth needs counterplay x 420.
I already mentioned my problems with his passive. Suggestion? That's for later. I'd also like to mention that this feels really generic. I mean, "Essence of the Mist Demon?" So is he farting with each basic attack? Does he empower his bolts with sweat?
But honestly, after looking at his entire kit, I have to say that this kit is messed up. His Pentagram is literally worthless at rank 2 and 4. Same with Black Nimbus. THIS IS NOT HOW MOBAS WORK.
His 1 is literally Hel's Decay with a slow and practically no damage. There's a weird wall/explosion at range mechanic, but this doesn't synergize with any part of his kit, and it does so little damage the only reason you'd ever get it is the slow and waveclear, neither of which are good enough to matter much - you'll still get outpushed pretty easily, considering it doesn't explode upon contact, but at max range, and the slow is honestly incredibly weak and just feels weird.
Suggestion? Consolidate identity (as in, give it a unique trait and feel) and make it mesh more with his kit. More on this later.
His 2 feels very out of place. Like, basically, it's a Bard ult - pretty much EXACTLY like a Bard ult - as a basic ability, on a AD carry. Why is it in his kit? What function does this ability serve?
Suggestion: Really, I need those two questions answered first.
Black Nimbus: What do you mean by "ground target?" Does this mean any ability that is fired on the ground, or just mean he's untargetable, or that he's only immune to stuff like
Ascent of the Mist Demon: You know, this would have been fine if it were just a utility ult. I don't really get the other abilities, either - at half attack speed, you won't be dealing much damage at all, his Black Fire does pretty much no damage, his Blessing seems to imply that the global effect affects allies, which is just WTF and it doesn't scale at all, his Shackles is AWILIX'S ULT WTF.
It's a mess. A giant, huge mess. You're an ADC who cuts his own damage in half, who becomes untargetable and debuffs both allies and enemies, and a **** ton of support-like abilities, half of his abilities don't have proper scalings with rank, I don't know how his autos work when flying most of the time, and you really need to define some stuff for me to get a clearer idea.
Suggestion? Here's how I'd do this guy.
Focus: Mist, flight, trickiness.
Warning: Typed late. Probably screwed up.
He isn't meant to be quick himself though. I'll probably nerf his mobility if anyone finds him to be too fast.
Since he is a demon, lifesteal is a big part. Cause you know he is a demon and sucks the souls and dark stuff. I would make stacks to give him more lifesteal.
Penetration (your idea) could work as well, since he IS boney and frail.
Usually I go with the characters concept (demon), physical aspects, (boney, frail, wings), with a small side story in my head.
Just make sure everything is balanced and all before going too crazy with it.
Would a passive that gives his auto-attacks a bonus the more he uses them, but can also be sacrificed for a boosted ability, be a good idea?
Something like: Averaderaaz gains a stack for each auto-attack he lands on an enemy god within ten seconds. For every stack, Averaderaaz gains 1% penetration. The next time he uses an ability, enemies hit will have their healing reduced by 6% for every stack he has for 2s.
Restricting player options, like forcing them to use abilities during a fight for the heal, is generally not a good idea. It just sounds mechanically frustrating and the ability itself is all over the place and unfocused.
Suggestion? No clue.
I'll give a more detailed rant once I've finished my example.
PS: Congrats on being the only entry with the flight I had in mind.