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LanzyKev's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

JOINED: February 10, 2020
LAST SEEN: February 11, 2020
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LanzyKev's Bio

Navy Firefighter and AVID Smite Player! T Roit Owned on XBOX and KevLanzy on PC!

I've been playing Smite since August of 2015. Smite has been one of my favorite games for years and hard to not play. I'm an avid Jungler, but started out in the ADC lane. It was my intro into the game and has remained a role close to my heart throughout the years. As the years have prgrossed and being in the military, Smite has been on and off. I have been playing ranked RELIGIOUSLY since the middle of season 6. If there is any game I believe that I am good at, it's Smite. Streaming is becoming a reality and eSports is a DREAM! I want to thank you all for the support and if you have any questions/concerns, let me know! SMITE ON!
Published Guides
latest February 11, 2020

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