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Hile Hilar

JOINED: December 23, 2022
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How should you write a term paper?

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The main structural element of the coursework. This is where calculations are made and where the student's scientific and practical findings are presented. The allowable length of the main body of the coursework is regulated by the internal documents of the educational institutions. Usually it is 20 - 30 pages. Course work traditionally consists of two or three chapters of three sections each. The number of chapters depends on the topic and type of course work. A term paper of a practical nature consists of three chapters: theoretical; computational; and summative. Coursework of general theoretical nature and devoted to the study of theoretical issues, consists of two chapters: theoretical; final. All chapters must be logically connected to each other. Each chapter is also followed by a summary in the form of a short summary or conclusion. In the theoretical part of the coursework the author summarises the information available in the public domain about the object of research. This part is devoted to the description of the problems of course work, its significance. Here briefly justifies the relevance of the chosen topic. The second chapter of the term paper is calculative and applies if the term paper has a practical nature or written entirely on the data of a particular organisation. If the work is of a general theoretical nature, this part is omitted. In the second chapter of the coursework, information about the object of the study should be presented. This can be, for example, indicators of economic activity of the enterprise for economists, characteristics of equipment and devices for technicians and medical specialists or data on the germination period and seed growth for students of agricultural educational institutions. It should be noted that the mathematical formulas used in the calculations are highlighted in a separate line with the obligatory deciphering of symbols and abbreviations. The second chapter also uses illustrative material in the form of graphs and charts. Large numerical arrays are grouped into tables. The third part of the term paper is the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained by the author. In this part you can propose your own ideas and methods.

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