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Smite Item: Witchblade

Smite Item Witchblade

Item Details



Cost: 800 (2050)

This item has been removed from the game.

+250 Health
+30 Physical Protection
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+7% Movement Speed

AURA - Enemies within 55 units have their Attack Speed reduced by 25%.

Item Discussion

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GaseousClay (1) | September 11, 2019 11:42pm
how is 20% really a big deal? especially when against hunters with crazy AS steroids
Kriega1 (143) | September 12, 2019 10:27am
Well Witchblade stacks with ichaival or midgardian, and also it's not the only option against hunters. Against ones with high AS steroids/high AS in their build you could maybe consider Nemean + Thorns instead. But Witchblade does help shutdown characters without high AS steroids that are AA-based or another example is Ability based hunters who might low AS in their build, further worsening their lategame AA-DPS.

Also you need to factor it's an aura, so it can easily apply to multiple gods, compared to the other anti-aa items.
GameGeekFan (50) | May 9, 2016 1:25pm
Ahhh memories...

Funny how this got me to be interested in Smite.

Also, kindve useless comment tbh, let them check for themselves and see the horror.
Technotoad64 (46) | May 9, 2016 9:46am
The thread below is comprised entirely of rage and math. Don't scroll down if you value your sanity.
Devampi (105) | May 9, 2016 1:51pm
The math is usefull however if you value your sanity get out now
iReauxbot (11) | May 9, 2016 11:09am
Technotoad64 wrote:
The thread below is comprised entirely of rage and math. Don't scroll down if you value your sanity.

I should have listened. I should have listened ..dammit
GameGeekFan (50) | September 1, 2015 10:47am
Devampi wrote:

nah most of the calculations aren't that hard (at least if you have a basis understanding of math) and most of the tiem I do recommend a calculator. There are really simple calculations and hard ones. but most are really simple as long as you know the formula

(e.g. the titans bonus stats formula is x=3p+t
with x being the multiplier you need to add for each stat.
p=amount of phoenixes alive
t=towers alive

after you get x you just do the titans base health (I believe 8K (see word of thoth for this too)) + scaling Xx and that will give you the titans health (I recommend looking up the book of thoth it's linked in theory crafting I believe)

I do wanna know who the dummy is (my guess is actually me XD) I'm curious XD

Nah not you. I think its completely obvious to everyone except that person in denials
Devampi (105) | August 31, 2015 1:46pm
nah most of the calculations aren't that hard (at least if you have a basis understanding of math) and most of the tiem I do recommend a calculator. There are really simple calculations and hard ones. but most are really simple as long as you know the formula

(e.g. the titans bonus stats formula is x=3p+t
with x being the multiplier you need to add for each stat.
p=amount of phoenixes alive
t=towers alive

after you get x you just do the titans base health (I believe 8K (see word of thoth for this too)) + scaling Xx and that will give you the titans health (I recommend looking up the book of thoth it's linked in theory crafting I believe)

I do wanna know who the dummy is (my guess is actually me XD) I'm curious XD
GameGeekFan (50) | August 31, 2015 10:26am
Oh I did, and the it looks hard as **** to do these type of calculations. The whole argument thing amuses me. Cause I only see one person being the dummy here.
Devampi (105) | August 31, 2015 10:01am
Setolino wrote:

So if i sometimes start a toxic comment, iam the *******.

If Subzero baits or make toxic comment like bigot, nobody says anything, i see how it works :).

Sub is one of this persons that hide their toxic behavior behind his writestyle, and if somebody calls him out of his ******** he did over the past years, the person that calls him out is the *******. This is just pathetic. This wont be the last and it wasnt certainly the first time sub reached his goal to make somebody leave.

Since this will not change anyway and iam now the *******, i just gonna piss off, and delete my ****.

Iam done with this site.

You wanna know the reason as everyone is used to sub using all those words (and nowadays it's a lot lot less if you ask me as I still know sub for commenting with at least 1-4 times (in a short comment) calling someone an idiot or something else).
I don't know what you exactly mean with his ******** in the past but I assume you are talking about his LoL vs Smite comments/smite hate. On this it's mostly a So What it's his opinion. I like MOBA's doesn't mean I can Make someone else like it too.

But the big difference between you and sub is in most of the cases sub brings a/his point to a discussion, while most of your comments have been more direct provocations, being more noticeable as (talking more about the early times fights between you and sub started) they didn't add anything except provoking someone. And if you did got asked for an argument you either dodged it or as in this case make a half finished argument (at least this is how your arguments feel most of the times once in a while you do have some good arguments) addressing only the AS debuff instead of also addressing the power reduction (as the power reduction is a bigger part of the item IMO)

well goodbye

Just a something small I noticed with god builder AS growth isn't simply base x(1+As increase) as with cupid according to godbuilder I get 1.58 AS (on a lvl 20 cupid with boots and soul) but if I recalculate this I get on a 1.68. while if I taker lvl 1 base attackspeed + lvl 20 total attack speed I do hit the 1.58. meaning that the AS of lvl growth is also considered bonus AS (like items) and everything (should) scales of the lvl 1 AS (cupids case 0.97)

So yeah seto you are right that sub had a mistake in his calculations and yes we have my fault of taking over his calcs (as I said laziness on a late evening) but also meaning you made a mistake with using base attackspeed of the current lvl.
Also even the word of toth is a bit vague on this as it doesn't say if it's base base attackspeed (the number the god starts with on lvl 1) or if it also calculates the AS scaling.

I do hope someone reads this though
Setolino (18) | August 31, 2015 3:29am
So if i sometimes start a toxic comment, iam the *******.

If Subzero baits or make toxic comment like bigot, nobody says anything, i see how it works :).

Sub is one of this persons that hide their toxic behavior behind his writestyle, and if somebody calls him out of his ******** he did over the past years, the person that calls him out is the *******. This is just pathetic. This wont be the last and it wasnt certainly the first time sub reached his goal to make somebody leave.

Since this will not change anyway and iam now the *******, i just gonna piss off, and delete my ****.

Iam done with this site.
Devampi (105) | August 31, 2015 2:20am
And I'm going to part ways with these discussion again as arguing with someone who uses a lot of fallacies (with ad hominem being the most used one.)

all in all seto in my eyes you are one of the toxic SF members as a lot of comments made by you on the forum are provocations that end up in discussions/arguments like these.

And I believe you are really confusing me for all4 as last year it was dac, pentar and some others vs all4 and sub. I kept myself out of that one mostly.
Setolino (18) | August 31, 2015 1:16am
Its from Krett Calc. As i said with Athena lvl 20. Iam not the one starting to argue with unnesscary Picturs, Devampi are you the boyfriend of sub, since you defend him in every situation ? I remeber you did it a year ago aswell.
Devampi (105) | August 30, 2015 11:22pm
Setolino wrote:

(Athena Level 20)
Physical Effective Health: 5725
Magical Effective Health: 3700

(without Aura)
Physical Effective Health: 6453
Magical Effective Health: 4536

And btw Devampi your friendo used his calc with Attack Speed from items added.

I don't get how you get an 800 EHealth increase as I don't see any calculations from you. or how we got on the fact that magical mattered in this discussion as we are talking about physical.

And I don't get the friendo used attackspeed from items as some comments earlier he let you see it was on the way how smite calcs AS (from basic attack speed). ( Witchblade removes the AS from a hunters Ninja Tabi)

Same counts for your I'm smug pic thingy where you just say it isn't true . aka YOU ARE REALLY DOING BAD AT ARGUING NOW. As you don't show up with an argument or give your own calculations.

all I had to say and yes I know my calculation is faulty as sub probably used DPS after protections mit and then you need to take raw HP instead of Ehealth
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