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This At Least Schmacks in Joust [WIP]

1 1 9,922
by RJtheFreak updated September 29, 2020

Smite God: Nike

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Nike Build


Notes Thorns is incredibly useful later on when you get your Ult, so if you want to save it for second relic that is completely okay :)


Thorns is incredibly useful later on when you get your Ult, so if you want to save it for second relic that is completely okay :)

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns


Notes This is about what I use when the enemy team is "well-rounded"; having physical and magical damage. As for Consumables, I usually bounce around depending on what is needed, which you can see below.


This is about what I use when the enemy team is "well-rounded"; having physical and magical damage. As for Consumables, I usually bounce around depending on what is needed, which you can see below.

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns


Okay listen. I know this isn't the "prettiest" Nike build out there, it's just what I like to use in Joust and Arena. I've used it in Support/Duo in Conquest only a few times, and it does seem to do well, I just know that there are plenty of other options for that scenario.
I do hope you enjoy this as much as I do :)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author RJtheFreak
This At Least Schmacks in Joust [WIP]
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