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Ishtar - Attack Speed, Crit & Sustain Build.

7 12 13,397
by JoshyKaz updated January 25, 2023

Smite God: Ishtar

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Build Summary


Notes Death's Temper - Gives you the right stats Ishtar need to have a substantial amount of damage during early game and once upgraded also in late game.

Atalanta's Bow - I have no words for this item as it has given me a great early game start every time I use it. I'd say the big part of the item is the stats you get very early game.


Death's Temper - Gives you the right stats Ishtar need to have a substantial amount of damage during early game and once upgraded also in late game.

Atalanta's Bow - I have no words for this item as it has given me a great early game start every time I use it. I'd say the big part of the item is the stats you get very early game.

Build Item Death's Temper Death's Temper
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow

Extended Build


Notes Demon Blade - Being a item that has such a unique passive it was hard to decide if this was the correct fit for this build. However, with the items that are also in this build it works very well.

Qin's Sais - Gives you the attack speed and physical power that is needed for Ishtar to work. But the passive is useful as most of her abilities are basic attack based which is what the passive works with.


Demon Blade - Being a item that has such a unique passive it was hard to decide if this was the correct fit for this build. However, with the items that are also in this build it works very well.

Qin's Sais - Gives you the attack speed and physical power that is needed for Ishtar to work. But the passive is useful as most of her abilities are basic attack based which is what the passive works with.

Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais


Notes Heartseeker - I like to use this item as it works well with anyone who is very tsnky. The passive of this item is also very useful.

Envenomed Deathbringer - I use this not only for the crit/crit chance but for the passive and the glyph which gives you an advantage during a 1to1 situation.


Heartseeker - I like to use this item as it works well with anyone who is very tsnky. The passive of this item is also very useful.

Envenomed Deathbringer - I use this not only for the crit/crit chance but for the passive and the glyph which gives you an advantage during a 1to1 situation.

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Envenomed Deathbringer Envenomed Deathbringer


Notes Magic Shell - I use this without a doubt when is comes to team fights as you could use it like a Aphrodite Ultimate or to get out of a situation safely.

Purification Beads - If you know about beads then you know that it's a great item to have on your kit. It allows you to get out of most ultimate's that have a pull, stun or silence. I like to use this when I've been hit by a Ares ultimate.


Magic Shell - I use this without a doubt when is comes to team fights as you could use it like a Aphrodite Ultimate or to get out of a situation safely.

Purification Beads - If you know about beads then you know that it's a great item to have on your kit. It allows you to get out of most ultimate's that have a pull, stun or silence. I like to use this when I've been hit by a Ares ultimate.

Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads


Notes Chalice Of Healing - I chose this item as it gives you that little extra health during conflict or after. I sometimes like to use this to also retreat early during a conflict, go heal and come back and clean up.

Chalice Of Mana - This item I use just like "Chalice Of Healing" however, mana is important as it allows you to use your abilities. Having this would help to gather enough mana during a conflict to give you more of a chance of winning.


Chalice Of Healing - I chose this item as it gives you that little extra health during conflict or after. I sometimes like to use this to also retreat early during a conflict, go heal and come back and clean up.

Chalice Of Mana - This item I use just like "Chalice Of Healing" however, mana is important as it allows you to use your abilities. Having this would help to gather enough mana during a conflict to give you more of a chance of winning.

Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana

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League of Legends Build Guide Author JoshyKaz
Ishtar - Attack Speed, Crit & Sustain Build.
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