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Gilgamesh solo build Year 11

9 4 17,236
by Leocsch updated February 25, 2024

Smite God: Gilgamesh

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Build Summary


Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Golden Blade Golden Blade
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Golden Shard Golden Shard

Final Build

Notes Start with golden blade and later replace it with qin's sais


Start with golden blade and later replace it with qin's sais

Build Item Sundering Axe Sundering Axe
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Archdruid's Fury Archdruid's Fury
Build Item Persistent Teleport Persistent Teleport
Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune

Extended Build

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YeetusToWall | February 9, 2024 6:58am
Didn't work well against meta warriors.
ItsLeyon | February 9, 2024 6:52am
Please don't run Golden Blade in the current meta, you will get stomped by most decent solo laners now that the meta is starting to shift into place.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leocsch
Gilgamesh solo build Year 11
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