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Dots for Days - Season 9.7

4 2 7,007
by AbeBatJes updated August 3, 2022

Smite God: Medusa

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Medusa Build


Build Item Manikin Mace Manikin Mace
Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Rest of the Build

Notes Getting ferocious operational as well as runeforged is a must. Follow purchase order of the items listed. Depending on how much gold you have, I recommend getting Scepter before Frostbound, but if you're a few levels behind and still have a handful of cash, go ahead and get frostbound.


Getting ferocious operational as well as runeforged is a must. Follow purchase order of the items listed. Depending on how much gold you have, I recommend getting Scepter before Frostbound, but if you're a few levels behind and still have a handful of cash, go ahead and get frostbound.

Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item The Ferocious Executioner The Ferocious Executioner
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Silverbranch Bow Silverbranch Bow
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Manikin Scepter Manikin Scepter


Notes Although medusa does have 50% healing reduction with her 2, there are some gods that just have too much lifesteal; gotta ruin their day. And if you're against an entire team full of physical, drop the frostbound and get Titan's.


Although medusa does have 50% healing reduction with her 2, there are some gods that just have too much lifesteal; gotta ruin their day. And if you're against an entire team full of physical, drop the frostbound and get Titan's.

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Medusa's Skill Order Notes Due to Acid Spray's wide AOE and wave clear, you're better off getting it maxed out as quickly as possible, and then to your Viper Shot to synergize the dots. Although the damage is nice on Petrify, it's better used as a utility in team/gank fights. Lacerate is there for escape or chase. 'nuff said.


Due to Acid Spray's wide AOE and wave clear, you're better off getting it maxed out as quickly as possible, and then to your Viper Shot to synergize the dots. Although the damage is nice on Petrify, it's better used as a utility in team/gank fights. Lacerate is there for escape or chase. 'nuff said.

Viper Shot

1 X Y
Viper Shot
2 8 10 11 12

Acid Spray

2 A B
Acid Spray
1 4 6 7 9


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19


4 Y X
5 13 14 17 20
Viper Shot
2 8 10 11 12

Viper Shot

1 X
Medusa gains increased attack speed and her basic attacks become augmented, shooting Vipers that poison the targets hit dealing damage over time.

Ability Type: Ranged Basic, Buff, Damage
Damage: 18 / 23 / 28 / 33 / 38 (+8% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s for 1.5s per charge
Attack Speed Increase: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Viper Shots: 4
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 / 11.5 / 11 / 10.5 / 10s
Acid Spray
1 4 6 7 9

Acid Spray

2 A
Medusa hurls back and spits out acid that damages the first enemy hit and sprays out acid in a cone behind them. Enemies hit by Acid Spray will have their healing taken reduced. Acid spray will explode on statues Medusa has created.

Ability Type: Line, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Healing Reduction: 40%
Healing Reduction Lifetime: 5s
Range: 45
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Medusa quickly slithers forward, damaging enemies she passes through. The first enemy god she encounters causes her to stop before she damages and roots the god hit.

Ability Type: Dash, Root, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1s
Range: 55
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
5 13 14 17 20


4 Y
Medusa removes her mask revealing her true face, delivering a powerful blast from her horrifying Gorgon gaze. Enemies take damage and are stunned if they are looking at Medusa. Enemies not looking at Medusa take 85% damage and are slowed. Enemy gods that are killed during Medusa's gaze will turn to a stone statue and remain behind as a reminder to others.

Ability Type: Cone, Stun, Damage
Damage: 270 / 365 / 460 / 555 / 650 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration: 2s
Movement Speed Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 3s
Range: 70
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100s

Lazy Title

I'll put a more 'in-depth' guide in this, but to summarize this; ferocious and runeforged gives crusher, manikin's and viper shot increased tick damage, which in turn obliterates any poor sod that is in your crosshairs. Enjoy melting everyone's hp bars :)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author AbeBatJes
Dots for Days - Season 9.7
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