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*NOTE* To Those Who Read New God Ideas

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » *NOTE* To Those Who Read New God Ideas 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bergmeister » February 13, 2014 12:34pm | Report
Everybody on this thread forum sees all of the new and unique god ideas that many people come up with. Some good, some bad, and some in between. I love seeing some of my ideas get views, but I believe a great way to feel accomplished is when you get comments. Not only do they make the creator feel a sense of accomplishment, but it also shares the ideas of others with the creator. I personally do not enjoy criticism, there is no need. This forum is just ideas, and like I said earlier some are good and some are bad. But I believe that all ideas are good because they may not necessarily be balanced, but nothing is written in stone. Things like numbers, croud control, timers and many other things can be changed. I see all of these god Ideas as a type of inspiration and original ideas for Hi-Rez to possibly take and use in the game. Sure not everything posted on here will be taken into the game or even seen, but these are ideas people, and please post your ideas, either by making your own god, or posting replies to other peoples god ideas. The more comments, views and overall popularity, the more likely that god is to be made. I know this is a lot, and I want to say more, but I feel that this is enough for now. But please help to make the game possibly grow by helping popularize god ideas, and understand that these are only ideas, for some people this a fun way to give suggestions.

Thank You!


Notable (2)
Posts: 69
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » February 13, 2014 1:56pm | Report
I'm sorry dude, but you're gonna get criticism. It's gonna happen. There are some idea that are just plain bad, like
Ability One - Deal 100% of the target's maximum health as true damage. 0 second cooldown.
That's just dumb, not saying you make bad ideas, but not every idea is good.

I like the way you are trying to grow the Smite god making community, but this seems like some sort of shameless self promotion for all the ideas you spew every few days with no numbers or anything.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180

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