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New Game Mode - Duel 1v1 unraked

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » New Game Mode - Duel 1v1 unraked 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mockridge » September 7, 2017 7:06pm | Report
This idea came to me when I realized, everyone has a chance to learn and prepare for 3v3 and conquest by practicing before going into ranked matches. There are so many players that go into ranked duels and are completely horrific, and I realized its because they never had the option to practice 1v1. I think a duel 1v1 would be a great way for players to practice 1v1ing. Learning what gods are best to ban by experience. Win some lose some, but at least losing wont go against your rank when your trying to learn. What do you think?


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