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Meet Njord, Norse God of Sea, Fishing, and Wind

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Meet Njord, Norse God of Sea, Fishing, and Wind 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 6, 2014 4:33pm | Report
Njord is the Norse god of fishing, wind, the sea, and wealth
In Smite he'll be a mage

Lore: When one of the giants captured Idunn, and loki tried to save her, once they got back the giants daughter Skadi came for revenge. Instead the gods said that she could pick her husband out of all the gods, but only by their feet. She originally wanted Baldir, because he was very handsome. She picked the pair of fee that was the most clean, thinking they were Baldir's, yet it was actually Njord's feet, since he washes them every day, and thus their marriage was formed. He's also the father of Frey and Freya.

Health: 380 (+70)
Mana: 262
Speed: 350
Range Attack per sec: .9 (+.009)
Physical Power: 0
Magical power: 32 (+1.5)
Physical Protection: 12 (+3.1)
Magical Protection: 30 (+0)
Health regen: 6 (+.50)
Mana regen: 7 (+.55)

- bunch of harpoons on his back
- a fishing net hanging on his belt
- dark blue eyes
- old w/grey beard
- light tunic as a shirt
- long pants
- bear footed
- wading in water as he walks, w/fish swimming around him
- bunch of bracelets & rings on hands and fingers

Passive: Catch of the Day
- all ally units within the radius of 40 units receive the full gold benefit of when they're in xp range, however Njord but get the killing blow for all the allies around him to get more gold.

Move #1: Lucky Catch:
- Njord throws a fishing net in a cone in front of him, rooting his enemies for a certain amount of time, while also silences them
root duration: 2.5 secs
silence duration: 1.5 secs
mana cost: 40/60/80/100/120
cooldown time: 6 secs

Move #2: Harpooning Dinner:
- Njord throws a fish towards his enemies at his ground target location, then he throws a harpoon at it, which after a .3 delay, the fish sprays water up into air damaging all enemies is the AOE, he then pulls the fish back in a line in front of him, hitting all enemies a second time but with reduced damage.
damage: 100/130/160/190/220 for pullback & and enemies in the AOE take a 10% more damage
(+50% of magical power)
mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120
cooldown time: 14 secs

Move #3: Freezing Waters:
- He calls on the powers of the Scandinavian cold waters, which gives all allies in a 45 unit radius a protection boost and slow enemies for 3 secs, and 15% slow percentage
Physical Protection: 10/15/20/25/30 (+0)
Magical Protection: 5/10/15/20/25 (+5% of magical power)
mana cost: 70/80/90/100/110
cooldown: 12 secs

Ultimate: Blubber Fury:
- Njord hitches a ride on his boat, gaining speed, however he is allowed to send 3 seals to jump high out of the water, when they land, they'll splash water on enemies in a radius, dealing damage while also knocking them up. If an enemy is caught in Njord's net, it cancels that ability.
movement speed: 10%
duration: 10s
damage: 150/175/200/225/250 (+55% of magical power)
knockup duration: .3 secs
mana cost: 80/100/120/120/120
cooldown time: 90/85/80/75/70 secs

Here is one of the gods I have promised hope you enjoy :D (PS edited the ultimate so that he's not in the middle of battle)


Notable (2)
Posts: 225
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » March 6, 2014 6:26pm | Report
Blubber Fury.
You sir, have created the best name of an ultimate ever. No arguing. F*cking blubber fury.
I don't even think I can top that.
Hi-Rez please hire this guy.

All jokes aside, he looks like a dedicated support, which is good. We need a new support.
His passive is very innovative, though it does allow you to sit back from lane very risk-free.
I could see him working extremely well with poke-oriented lanes, who wouldn't need to get too close any time throughout the laning phase.
I don't really get his 2, just takes some explanation I'm guessing.
He's got a lot of slows in his kit, and judging by the community reaction to Nemesis, you might want to tone them down a bit. People don't like lots of slows, just from what I've gathered.
Freezing Waters is cool, I like it.
The almighty Blubber Fury, although having the best name in the history of ever is a bit misplaced on this God.
I see Njord sitting back in teamfights buffing his team, like Hel and Aphro might. His ult lends more towards heavy engagement.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 6, 2014 7:10pm | Report
Well I'm glad you like most of it, yeah the ultimate is a heads on ***ualt and has you actually head into a battle but what about loki, or tyr they're required to use them that way, yes Tyr is a warrior but loki is an assassin so he's also squishy, and I'll tone down the slows to make a bit more balanced :D


Notable (2)
Posts: 225
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » March 7, 2014 12:20pm | Report

Well I'm glad you like most of it, yeah the ultimate is a heads on ***ualt and has you actually head into a battle but what about loki, or tyr they're required to use them that way, yes Tyr is a warrior but loki is an assassin so he's also squishy, and I'll tone down the slows to make a bit more balanced :D

Loki has a single target blink. That's more for assassination.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 7, 2014 12:48pm | Report
Yes technically, but it still requires him to get in close sake as this, YET you can also use it to get away same as Njord, Loki technically does have a blink, Njord also has a speed buff while doing this, now what I could do is make it so he doesn't need to get in close, and he just sends the seal to jump up and splash down without riding it. Now that I think about it I could make a funny skin for Njord, An Orca trainer just like at sea world.


Notable (2)
Posts: 225
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » March 7, 2014 2:34pm | Report

Yes technically, but it still requires him to get in close sake as this, YET you can also use it to get away same as Njord, Loki technically does have a blink, Njord also has a speed buff while doing this, now what I could do is make it so he doesn't need to get in close, and he just sends the seal to jump up and splash down without riding it. Now that I think about it I could make a funny skin for Njord, An Orca trainer just like at sea world.

Loki's is instant and easy to land, and isn't meant for heavy engagement. You said yourself that your ult meant for you to get into the fray of the fights, which isn't good for this this god. He's squishy and a mage. That would be like giving Aphrodite Thor's ult.
I extremely like your rework idea. Nice.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 7, 2014 3:49pm | Report
So is that a yes on the different idea, not making him go in but sending the seals in jumping way high into the air without Njord on it? If so I can change.


Notable (2)
Posts: 225
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » March 7, 2014 4:10pm | Report

So is that a yes on the different idea, not making him go in but sending the seals in jumping way high into the air without Njord on it? If so I can change.



Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 7, 2014 4:11pm | Report
Well before you even replied I changed it because I go a cool idea in my head so yeah...


Notable (2)
Posts: 225

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