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Meet Garm, Hel's Guarddog and the slayer of Tyr!

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Meet Garm, Hel's Guarddog and the slayer of Tyr! 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 10, 2014 2:36pm | Report
Garm will be a physical warrior
Pros: High Sustain/Defense
Cons: Low mobility

Health: 475
Mana: 230
Speed: 360
Attack Per Sec: 1 (+.012)
Range: 12
Physical Power: 35 (+2.5/level) (100% of physical power)
Magical Power: 0
Physical Protection: 18 (+2.2)
Magical Protection: 30 (+.7)
Health regen: 5 (+.6)
Mana regen: 4.2 (+.48)

- Garm has four eyes
- covered in blood
- foaming mouth
- big fangs
- looks almost like a pit-bull or a bulldog
- probably smaller than Fenrir

Passive: Bloody Fur:
- Each time Garm gets hit, his fur gets bloodier and bloodier, the rage inside him starts to build up. This in the end gives him a movement speed, and attack speed buff.
Movement buff: 10%
Attack speed buff: 10%

Move #1: Guard Dog's Howl:
- Garm barks and howls at the enemies, this forces them to be silenced and retreat in the opposite direction (much like Athena's taunt just in the opposite direction).
Duration: .5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds
mana cost: 90/110/130/150/170
cooldown time: 15 seconds

Move #2: Vicious Fangs:
- Garm charges up a small leap, once he leaps he bites in a cone in front of him doing significant damage to enemies
Damage: 80/100/120/140/160
Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
Cooldown Time: 10 secs

Move #3: Savagery:
- His blood red coat hardens, making Garm take less damage, but also reflect damage back to enemies. (Almost like a built in Spiked Shell)
Duration: 2.5 seconds
Protections: +5/10/15/20/25
Reflecting Damage: 5/10/15/20/25% damage is reflected
Mana cost: 90/110/130/150/170
Cooldown time: 12 secs

Ultimate: Guardian of Niflheim:
- Garm's rage finally builds up, his eyes turn blood red, and he turns even more ferocious than usual, this gives him tons of lifesteal and protections as well as being CC immune.
Duration: 5 seconds
Lifesteal: 50% lifesteal
Protections: +15/25/35/45/55
Cooldown time: 100 secs
Mana cost: 110/120/130/140/150

I tried to make Garm not even related to Fenrir, kind of weird having two dogs in the game, but Garm is more tankier than him and does less damage.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » March 10, 2014 2:46pm | Report
Duration on Savagery? Could be very overpowered.

His ultimate is kinda really broken, it means mages and hunters are done. DONE.

but still like the idea.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGenocideLord » March 10, 2014 3:15pm | Report
I like this idea, but I have a couple of rants:

If someone were to bruise with him, they could get Ninja Tabi to just completely spam a 3+2 combo. Also his ultimate would be kinda wasted since he's a warrior, so he is able to tank which would make CC immunity a tad bit useless. Maybe balance out the lifesteal and then give him attack or mobility speed.
What my yearbook quote should be: "Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium Ytrrium Oxygen Uranium Bismuth Technetium Einsteinium"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » March 10, 2014 4:08pm | Report
He has cool abilities (kinda) and I like that you're countering the slight mobility creep in this game.
We also need new warriors.
I like the idea of the god as well.
He has 2 steroids and only one damage ability.
His 1 is a bit misplaced on a warrior.
100% lifesteal = no
High single target damage is more of an assassin type thing.
He's got good sustain, I would make that his pro instead.

Well done.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 10, 2014 4:32pm | Report
well time to improve :P


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGenocideLord » March 10, 2014 5:13pm | Report
May I make a suggestion for his ult?

Feeding Time: Garm kills every minion wave on the map and he gains +1 phys. power and +2 Attack Speed for each minion that is killed.

Duration Time: 1s/1.25s/1.5s/1.75s/2s
Cooldown: 110s
Mana Cost: 130/150/170/190/210

Reasoning behind this: First of all, IMO you make Garm sound like an Assassin so it would make sense to have Attack Speed and Power buff. Second of all, he is the hound of Hel so it would make sense he feeds on the souls of mortals.
What my yearbook quote should be: "Fluorine Uranium Carbon Potassium Ytrrium Oxygen Uranium Bismuth Technetium Einsteinium"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 10, 2014 6:28pm | Report
Technically he's the guarddog of hel, he doesn't really eat souls he just guards the cave to Niflheim, but that does sound like a good idea


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » March 10, 2014 7:06pm | Report

May I make a suggestion for his ult?

Feeding Time: Garm kills every minion wave on the map and he gains +1 phys. power and +2 Attack Speed for each minion that is killed.

Duration Time: 1s/1.25s/1.5s/1.75s/2s
Cooldown: 110s
Mana Cost: 130/150/170/190/210

Reasoning behind this: First of all, IMO you make Garm sound like an Assassin so it would make sense to have Attack Speed and Power buff. Second of all, he is the hound of Hel so it would make sense he feeds on the souls of mortals.

that sounds kinda overpowered. That's probably in the neighborhood of 60 minions. And it's a little odd.

Honestly, since he is defender of the underworld, but as such, would help send enemies to it, I'd suggest something that plays on life %'s.
Like enemies are slowed by 20% + 70% of Missing health, and allies are sped up by 10% + 25% of missing health. This, as a warrior-assassin type, makes him not able to just instant gib someone - he has to engage FIRST or it's very weak, yet it lets him close out fights, while saving a team. The timing is VERY important or the effect could be underwhelming - but too late and they die.

Idk, I was spitballing it's probably too bad or something, but I want a unique ult for the guard dog of HELL (and Hel)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » March 11, 2014 5:19am | Report
Honestly I like that idea even more, but should it still include lifesteal or just give the debuff to enemies and a buff to allies?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bergmeister » March 11, 2014 4:41pm | Report
The reverse taunt doesn't really seem to fit the warrior type style, but it seems like it could work well. Savagery should give more protections, and the damage reflected should be like 15% max level if it is gonna stay 4 seconds long. Either that or shorten its duration a bit.


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